View Full Version : Fan-Fic Forum

  1. Fan-Fic Submission Rules
  2. List of all my Foster's fanfiction
  3. Dude13's Awesome Series
  4. Had a fanfiction idea.
  5. The elements of fan-fic discussion thread
  6. Oh Fanfiction, We Are Still Losing Thee!
  7. Three new ideas for fan-fics
  8. My fanfiction trilogy - COMPLETED!
  9. Fan Fic Ideas: You like?
  10. Two fanfic-ideas coming up! :)
  11. I have a fan-fic idea.
  12. CG's Preview Thread
  13. The Torturing of.... eh, Goofball
  14. Of Tea and Humiliation
  15. Episode/fan-fic idea
  16. Weird Fan fic idea
  17. New Terrence Fic...
  18. Crooked Smile
  19. Make your own bloopers
  20. From the Basement
  21. Whatever happened to Eduardo?
  22. The Yellow-ness
  23. Your Own Episodes
  24. Edo no Rebasu (sneak peek with spoilers)
  25. Note of Upcoming Story
  26. Imagined Away
  27. Wizard of Oz
  28. Preview of a Fanfiction that is still unnamed
  29. antgirl1 Productions Proudly Presents: "Miss Mutant", rated "T"
  30. Two Puppets & An Idiot
  31. I Love Frankie
  32. Return to Oz Preview and Help Needed
  33. Return to Oz
  34. Drabble Fic : Wilt
  35. Help, FF.com Users!!!
  36. A Very Fosters Christmas
  37. AIM RP transcripts
  38. Vac and Bloo
  39. fosters go to japan
  40. My Upcoming Fanfic
  41. The Camping Trip
  42. FF.com Help!
  43. Foster's Twinsanity (CB/FHFIF crossover)
  44. Bloo To The Future
  45. Little Ed Lost
  46. I have a Foster's fanfic, but...
  47. Thank Bloo
  48. AU: Humble beginnings
  49. Got Some Stories, But...
  50. Imaginary Chilhood: Spelling Bee
  51. Super Swap
  52. Endings and Beginnings
  53. Wacky Wednesday! (Freaky Friday Foster style)
  54. Crackers!
  55. Not Larry Nice
  56. Cocoshack
  57. Mr Fancy Pants
  58. Moody Cheese
  59. Bloogio: King of Fosters (Not a crossover!)
  60. Transformation Complication
  61. The Bloo Panther
  62. Pitter Patter
  63. PTPS fanfic/drabbles
  64. Story Idea: Gauntlet of Dogma (featuring Goo)
  65. Story Idea: The Id
  66. Facial Ticket
  67. On Deviantart
  68. Stroll down Photograph Lane
  69. Comfortably Dumb
  70. Rocket Trek: The First Frontier
  71. Berry Sweet Revenge
  72. Berry a la Flora
  73. Question About a Sequel...
  74. Mirror Masters
  75. The Superman At The End of This Story
  76. A Question About an OC
  77. Well, here I go...
  78. Path of Truth: The First
  79. The Apology
  80. The Apology Parts II, and III
  81. The Fosters Adventures of Wilt and Bloo
  82. "Mac The Master"
  83. Who Ya Gonna Call? (A Foster's/Muppets/Ghostbusters Crossover)
  84. Chihiro Hizunaka
  85. Foster's soldiers
  86. Spinoff-Sequel
  87. April Showers
  88. Tales of Fosters
  89. Bloo
  90. Breakfast at Fosters
  91. We Are Equal
  92. Pizza Party Pilot
  93. About the spinoff
  94. Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Onimbus: My series of previous extended episodes!
  95. Foster's Song Spoofs
  96. Imaginary Dream's Fan-Fics
  97. something I am working on