- Fan-Fic Submission Rules
- List of all my Foster's fanfiction
- Dude13's Awesome Series
- Had a fanfiction idea.
- The elements of fan-fic discussion thread
- Oh Fanfiction, We Are Still Losing Thee!
- Three new ideas for fan-fics
- My fanfiction trilogy - COMPLETED!
- Fan Fic Ideas: You like?
- Two fanfic-ideas coming up! :)
- I have a fan-fic idea.
- CG's Preview Thread
- The Torturing of.... eh, Goofball
- Of Tea and Humiliation
- Episode/fan-fic idea
- Weird Fan fic idea
- New Terrence Fic...
- Crooked Smile
- Make your own bloopers
- From the Basement
- Whatever happened to Eduardo?
- The Yellow-ness
- Your Own Episodes
- Edo no Rebasu (sneak peek with spoilers)
- Note of Upcoming Story
- Imagined Away
- Wizard of Oz
- Preview of a Fanfiction that is still unnamed
- antgirl1 Productions Proudly Presents: "Miss Mutant", rated "T"
- Two Puppets & An Idiot
- I Love Frankie
- Return to Oz Preview and Help Needed
- Return to Oz
- Drabble Fic : Wilt
- Help, FF.com Users!!!
- A Very Fosters Christmas
- AIM RP transcripts
- Vac and Bloo
- fosters go to japan
- My Upcoming Fanfic
- The Camping Trip
- FF.com Help!
- Foster's Twinsanity (CB/FHFIF crossover)
- Bloo To The Future
- Little Ed Lost
- I have a Foster's fanfic, but...
- Thank Bloo
- AU: Humble beginnings
- Got Some Stories, But...
- Imaginary Chilhood: Spelling Bee
- Super Swap
- Endings and Beginnings
- Wacky Wednesday! (Freaky Friday Foster style)
- Crackers!
- Not Larry Nice
- Cocoshack
- Mr Fancy Pants
- Moody Cheese
- Bloogio: King of Fosters (Not a crossover!)
- Transformation Complication
- The Bloo Panther
- Pitter Patter
- PTPS fanfic/drabbles
- Story Idea: Gauntlet of Dogma (featuring Goo)
- Story Idea: The Id
- Facial Ticket
- On Deviantart
- Stroll down Photograph Lane
- Comfortably Dumb
- Rocket Trek: The First Frontier
- Berry Sweet Revenge
- Berry a la Flora
- Question About a Sequel...
- Mirror Masters
- The Superman At The End of This Story
- A Question About an OC
- Well, here I go...
- Path of Truth: The First
- The Apology
- The Apology Parts II, and III
- The Fosters Adventures of Wilt and Bloo
- "Mac The Master"
- Who Ya Gonna Call? (A Foster's/Muppets/Ghostbusters Crossover)
- Chihiro Hizunaka
- Foster's soldiers
- Spinoff-Sequel
- April Showers
- Tales of Fosters
- Bloo
- Breakfast at Fosters
- We Are Equal
- Pizza Party Pilot
- About the spinoff
- Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Onimbus: My series of previous extended episodes!
- Foster's Song Spoofs
- Imaginary Dream's Fan-Fics
- something I am working on