View Full Version : Two fanfic-ideas coming up! :)

08-27-2006, 07:56 PM
So, I randomly got two fanfic ideas, both from reading Rent fanfics. [Don't worry, they were funny Rent fics] So, here we go:

1. Bascially, just a fic looking at random snippets from Mac and Bloo's life before Foster's. Each chapter will be a separate event. Join little 6 year old Mac and 3 year old Bloo as they learn the alphabet, save the world from the evil spacemonsters in the closet, and try to avoid Louise 'cause she has cooties.

2. The Foster's cast are in the basically "Foster's fandom" dressing room, where they prepare to go into a fanfic when needed......there they discuss the newest fanfic [I made it up, dun worry. ;)] that had just been submitted.

Well, whatya think?

08-28-2006, 06:45 AM
The first one sounds interesting, teh second one sounds okay and would need some work to make come out well.

08-29-2006, 12:39 PM
I think they're both great ideas, would like to see them!

08-29-2006, 12:49 PM
You know what's really funny? Somebody from the Lord of the Rings fandom that didn't like Mary Sues made a fic about the Lord of the Rings characters finding a Mary Sue fanfic and them reading it aloud to everyone else. I think that would be a funny idea to use anywhere, 'specially Foster's since most of the girls are Wilt-obsessed.

09-06-2006, 06:11 AM
You know what's really funny? Somebody from the Lord of the Rings fandom that didn't like Mary Sues made a fic about the Lord of the Rings characters finding a Mary Sue fanfic and them reading it aloud to everyone else. I think that would be a funny idea to use anywhere, 'specially Foster's since most of the girls are Wilt-obsessed.

8D So true. I see OC's made to be Wilt's Girlfriend almost EVERYWHERE I go. Is my OC (Yo-yo, made to be Wilt's twin sister) the ONLY one who isn't? It's pathetic. They should learn that Wilt is NOT in love with your OCs! (that are made to be Wilt's girlfriend)

And by the way, I'm not offended, even if I like Wilt as a favorite character, (like family), I'm glad I'm not in the "OMGFANGIRL" stage in fandom. XD

09-06-2006, 08:06 PM
Honestly, in all the badfic I've perused in my time (and I make a point of seeking it out, so there's been a lot) Foster's is the worst cartoon when it comes to fanfiction and the sheer amount of Mary Sues. Bar none.