
See The Basics for a rundown of favors, chores, citizenship, popularity, etc. This will just show you what button does what and what the various images mean.

Pressing this will take you back to Notey's main page.

Pressing this will take you to your inventory, showing what items you're carrying as well as all your accessories, furniture, and buddies.

This takes you to your photo albums.

Click here to edit your character.

Click this to change or turn off the music.

Click here for help! In this section you can read tutorials about all the portions of the game - you can even re-enact the tutorial you saw when you first registered. This is also the actual "notes" portion of Notey. If you're in the middle of a favor or adventure and forgot what someone said to you (such as what you're supposed to find or where you're supposed to go), click this for a transcript of what's been said.

Click this to enter in secret codes.

Click this to enter in best friend codes.

Click here for maps. Not only can you see maps of all the areas, you can also use this to locate vital characters.

In this section you can see what prizes are won from what minigames, on what level and what score you need.

Click this to "call in" a favor from someone you did a favor for earlier; the character will complete or help you complete that particular chore.

This is the list of your current chores. The greyed-out ones are done.

In this box is a brief description of any favor or adventure you're in the middle of.

Here you can see what characters owe you favors.

The number of tickets you currenrly hold.

Your citizenship bar.

Your popularity bar.


This site maintained by C. "Sparky" Read. These images may be taken and used without permission, but not giving credit is very tacky. The textual content is mine.