Thread: Mac
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Old 11-06-2006, 04:44 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by Nathander View Post
Honestly, am I the only one bothered by the fact that Bloo and Mac are apparently becoming more and more hostile towards one another? Well, maybe hostile isn't the right word, but it's obvious they're beginning to grate on one another much more often, and there have been too few episodes recently where they're just being buddies, such as in Squeeze the Day. I'd love to see more episodes like Squeeze the Day, I really, really would. And while it's not uncommon for best friends to fight with one another........the number of arguments Mac and Bloo have been getting in recently is insane.
I agree; while I've said before, and still say, that it in a way proves how strong their friendship is (how many friends come along in one's lifetime that you could bicker with incessantly and still be best friends?), and while their fighting is usually hilarious, I'd still like to see more of them.... well.... being stupid together. More and more it seems like Mac is forced to play parent or babysitter to Bloo, and I hate to say it, but they're getting more and more opposite -- so much so that if it keeps going like this, they'll just.... have completely incompatible personalities or something. It's almost like they're drifting apart. Okay, I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore, but....

I'm going to do what some people here have done for Frankie and say: I've always been fond of the "2-or-more-best friends" concept, but -- and this is just my opinion -- nobody has done it better than Craig and Crew have done with Mac and Bloo. Their friendship is simply my absolute favorite of any fictional medium ever, and I adore them both, so I'd like to see more of them being pals, and Mac having fun more often. That's why Squeeze the Day ranks so high on my list of favorite episodes (which admittedly is very long, because Foster's is great).

But I did totally understand Mac's yelling at Bloo in Bloo's the Boss, because I mean.... he was living in a cardboard box, all alone, with a stray cat that could have any number of diseases for which Bloo would have to be rushed to the hospital to get a tetanus shot if it bit him (no offense, Chuck), and talking to himself, just to prove he can do good deeds.
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