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Old 07-15-2007, 05:10 PM   #31
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Good story, so far! Duchess seems to be like a villian in this story. You practicaly have to mess her up just so that she can get ya.
"Talking don't pay the rent, nay!" - Kaz (Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi)

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Old 07-15-2007, 09:35 PM   #32
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I'm really enjoying your writing, too. I can see it as an actual eppie, it's really cool. Keep up the great work! Hope you're feeling better.
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Old 07-16-2007, 01:44 AM   #33
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Well, thanks for all the supportive comments! I'm feeling better now, enough to finish off the story! It's actually easier for me to think up the beginning and ends of a story than the middle, which in my mind is usually something like: "A bunch of stuff happens". Even more so this particular fanfic, since it has no real main story, but a bunch of intersecting ones. It's a wee bit like Cheese A Go-Go in that respect (except for the subplot about chasing Cheese around. It's not at all like Cheese A Go Go in that respect). So, this fanfic was kinda hard for me. Still fun, but harder, so that would be my official excuse for the last couple of chapters.

In response to James Withaness, my reason for Bloo doing the whole thing he did in the first chapter is cause I believe that Bloo does care about his friends, he just is easily distracted, and often takes them for granted. But when someone is attacking his friends, and he doesn't have anything better to do, Bloo will be there. Of course, there is also plenty of evidence for your point of view. I'm sure noone is gonna start doubting your sanity if you start saying that Bloo is a total selfish jerkface. But not surprisingly, the way characters act in a fanfic is the way the author thinks they'd act. So, it's gonna be a little different from what others think would happen, and I apologise for that.

Oh, and I haven't felt overly pressured by you guys, but if people like stuff I put on the internet, I feel more obligated to update more regularly. It's kind of one of my principles: If you put something out on the internet that people like, you should update as much as you comfortably can. I don't expect other people to do this, but I think that I should.

Okay, now that I'm done talking about myself, I think I owe you guys some fanfic:

Chapter 7: Oh, I See. It's A Donkey.

"And even though this is a huge house" said Frankie, still leading the tour around Fosters "we still manage to keep all the rooms at a stable warm temperature."
"Yes, I noticed. How do you do it?" asked Ms Philburn.
"You know, I don't have a clue. Wait!" Frankie dived between Ms Philburn and the door she was trying to enter, which was labelled "Stay Away".
"You can't go in there!"
"Young lady, I am here to inspect the WHOLE house, and I will not stay out of a room just because you say so." Ms Philburn replied, and barged in. She ran out almost immediately, screaming "Get them off!"
"Back in there! You know the rules!" Frankie ordered, and the imaginary fleas jumped off Ms Philburn and back into the room. Frankie slammed the door after them. "Sososo sorry!" Frankie began to Ms Philburn.
"It's alright." she grated "I shouldn't have gone in there." she then marched off with her neice in tow.
"This is the worst day ever!" Frankie muttered to herself. "All I need now is for Goo to show up and I'll have the full package."

Cut to Goo, in the dentist's waiting room. "Whoa....Why do I suddenly get this feeling like my presence is required somewhere? Like, not that I'd help, or that I've got an appointment or something, but that I'm needed for like, dramatic purposes? Which is weird, cause most people say I'm annoying and try to get rid of me so why would I be needed somewhere? And who am I talking to anyway?"

"Lesse... where to start?" Slugger asked, surveying the kitchen. Ooh! I know!" he grabbed a whole bunch of silver cutlery and shoved them into the microwave. He set the timer for two minutes and then put it on. "Whooo..." he remarked as he saw the cutlery spark and fizz, "Whoa. Better put on the safety glasses." he noted, and put a couple of drinking glasses up to his eyes. Just then, the microwave exploded! Luckily (well, unluckily, according to some), Slugger was knocked over by the force of the explosion, before the twisted, flying cutlery lodged itself in him. Instead, it lodged itself in the wall. "Awesome!" Slugger cried. He wasn't the only one to think so. Cheese was standing in the kitchen doorway with an expression of awe on his face. "Hey, Cheese?" said Slugger "Wanna play a game?"

"I wonder where Cheese got to?" asked Wilt, as he, Eduardo and Coco walked down the halls. "He's gotta be round here somewhere-" CRASH! came a noise from the kitchen. The three friends ran to check it out. They opened the kitchen door to find Slugger and Cheese doing their best to make a huge mess! There were stains all over the walls, the fine china was smashed all over the ground, and they'd somehow managed to overturn the fridge! "Cheese!" Wilt shouted, and the three began to chase him down, or at least try to stop him from doing any more damage. Coco chased him up to the pantry, but Cheese just climbed out of her reach, throwing down jars as he went, and eventually jumping off and running away. Eduardo tried to grab him while he was in the sink, but only succeeded at smashing the tap (faucet, for you American readers) off, which began spraying water everywhere. Slugger wasn't any help at all, he just tried to get the other's attention, to no avail. And all the while, the eyes of a Picasso-esque picture on the wall followed the others around the room.

"Ahhh..." said Duchess satisfiedly on the other side of the wall, peering through the mismatched eyeholes. "I was here to fix myself a snack, but instead I get a show!"

"I see how it is!" yelled Slugger. "I try my hardest to wreck the house ALL DAY and noone cares, but as soon as Cheese turns up, we all goootta catch him-oof!" The "oof!" was from Wilt tripping over him while chasing Cheese, which sent Wilt spinning upside-down into the wall. Eduardo ran to catch Cheese but Cheese dodged out of the way, and Eduardo's head ended up lodged in a cupboard. Coco layed an egg and opened it to reveal a net. She picked it up with her foot, and made to throw it at Cheese, but he ran straight at her legs, bowled her over, sent her and the net flying, and ended up with her captured underneath the net. She cried for help, but her two friends were in no condition to help her.
Unconscious like a fox!
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Old 07-16-2007, 01:44 AM   #34
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(sorry bout this. I just reached post limit. Is that okay?)

It was nearing the end of the tour, and Ms Philburn wasn't showing any signs of being happy. She was scowling at Frankie the same way she had been since she got here. At least that was better than Denise's evil grin, though.
"How many more rooms are there in this awful house?" Denise complained. "My feet are killing me!"
"Well, maybe if you didn't insist on wearing high heels everywhere.." Frankie muttered. "We just have the ground floor to cover, then we're done." she said out loud.
"Bansai!" came a high pitched voice, as a blue streak slammed right into Ms Philburn and began trying to wrestle her to the ground.
"Get off me!" Ms Philburn yelled.
"That's him, Aunt Doris! That's the one who insulted me the other day!" screamed Denise.
"Bloo! Get off her! What are you doing?" Frankie screamed.
"She's a viscious jewel theif, Frankie! I gotta bring her to justice! Quick! Use your pepper spray!"
Frankie yanked Bloo off of Ms Philburn and brought him to eye level. "Bloo, let me say this now, and I will only say this once. She is NOT a jewel theif. There are NO jewel theives in the house. And if you don't stop misbehaving right now, I may just decide to cook "IT" for dinner, and tell everyone else why! Now go to your room!"
She set Bloo down, who dazedly obeyed. He was kinda in shock.
"Well, I think you dealt with that miscreant rather well, Miss Foster." Ms Philburn said. "A firm hand is what these imaginary friends need."
"Well," said Frankie, exhausted, "How 'bout I make us some late lunch in the kitchen, and then we'll finish the tour."
She opened the door and gasped at the scene before her. Stains, brocken china, upturned fridge, stuff all over the floor, broken taps, silverware lodged in the walls, a knocked out Wilt, trapped Eduardo, and Coco in a net screaming "Cocococococo!" and in the middle of it all, Cheese and Slugger, arm in arm, swinging around in a circle smiling spraying mustard and ketchup in the air like a fountain. Eduardo ripped the entire cupboard out of the wall, realised this, and started crying. Ms Philburn did not look pleased. Denise looked ecstatic. Frankie was speechless, and before anyone could get the words to say anything, Duchess burst in.
"Aha! Now this wretched hole will be shut down for sure! After all these years of living in squalor, I shall be taken away from this place!"
"It was YOU!" Frankie screamed. "You're the reason everything has been going so lousy today! I thought it couldn't just be chance!"
"You cannot prove anything! And if I DID do this, it just proves I am better than YOU, Frankie!"
"Duchess! Watch out!" Frankie yelled as part of the celing above Duchess collapsed in flames. Duchess backed away in time, but was cut off from the rest of the room by flames.
"Oh yeeaaaahhh..." Slugger said.
"Well, don't just stand there!" Duchess said. "Do something, you idiots!".At that moment, Madame Foster burst into the room.
"Fire! Everyone out of the house!" she yelled.
"Fire? Waaagh!" Eduardo screamed, scooped up Wilt and Coco, and ran out the door. Denise also didn't need to be told twice. She ran screaming out the door too.
"You guys go." Frankie said gravely. "I'll help Duchess."
"But-" Ms Philburn began, but Madame Foster tugged at her blouse.
"She knows what she's doing, dearie." she said calmly, and slowly led Ms Philburn out, who stopped halfway, turned to Cheese and said "You'd best come with me, dear."
"Cheeeaaaaaahhh.....okay." and he followed the two women out of the room.
"So, how are you gonna save Duchess?" Slugger asked Frankie. Frankie didn't answer, but picked Slugger up by the tail and began swinging him in circles over her head. She then threw his head to Duchess, and he wrapped around her arm. "Grab on!" Frankie yelled." Duchess hesitated, a little disgusted, and Slugger mentioned "Hey, ladies? The flames are a tad hot!" Duchess then dug her claws into Slugger's face, and Frankie heaved her over the flames to safety. She then picked her up and ran out of the house, past some fire fighters, onto the front lawn, where the whole house was assembled and Mr Herriman was taking roll call. "Did everyone get out alright?" Frankie asked Madame Foster.
"Yep. Soon as I noticed there was a fire, Funny Bunny and I rounded up all the friends! They're all safe and sound."
"How come the fire alarms didn't go off?" Frankie asked.
"Well, it looked to me like something ripped em out of the walls!"
Frankie and Madame Foster both looked over to Eduardo.
"They is how the robber man sees you!" he cried "Sees you to HURT you!"
"Man, Frankie! You totally saved Duchess' life! Why?" Bloo asked.
"And me! I helped! I was the rope!" chimed in Slugger.
"Frankie! Are you alright?" Adam and Douglas ran up to Frankie to ask.
"Yeah, I'm fine. And while you're here, exactly WHAT were you guys doing here anyway? Don't give me any lame excuses!"
"Well we-we-we"
"We have good news! We have just recieved a generous grant for our studies in figmentology, and your Mr Herriman has graciously allowed us to study here! Isn't that great? We'll be moving in!"
"We wanted it to be a surprise." Douglas added. Frankie looked depressed.
"As if this day couldn't get any worse."
Ms Philburn walked over to Frankie. "Well, I can see from my visit that this house is nothing but total chaos!"
"No! This stuff doesn't usually happen!" Frankie pleaded.
"I can see that it DOES usually happen. This place is one disaster after the last."
Denise grinned manically and Frankie seemed on the verge of tears.
"And yet you still manage to take care of, protect and love all of these friends. Even the horrifically bratty ones. And still keep a smile on your face. I think that these imaginary friends are in most capable hands."
"So we pass?" Frankie asked.
"But Aunt Doris!" Denise screeched "This place is horrible! I-"
"Now don't you take that tone with me, young lady! I can still have you over my knee!" Ms Philburn rebuked. At this, everone else laughed, and Denise ran crying from embarassment, off the Fosters grounds.
"Blooo!" came an angry cry from the gates. "I arrive five minutes late and you burn the place down?" asked Mac, angrily.

The End


"And as punishment for attempting to have Fosters shut down, you shall paint the entire ground floor!" said Mr Herriman to Duchess. "And do a good job. There are other floors which also require painting!" he and a grining Frankie walked off. Duchess began painting when Slugger came along.
"Hey! Need any help?"
"Sure. You paint and I shall supervise. From my room." Duchess said, and walked off. Slugger began painting.
"I love doing stuff with friends!"

.................................................. ...........................................

Whoo! That one took a while! My next one'll be shorter! I really loved doing the end chapter. And It's great to see so many people liking my work. Well, I'm off for now, but look forward to another fanfic soon!
Unconscious like a fox!

Last edited by Ub3rD4n; 07-16-2007 at 03:04 PM. Reason: Forgot about Adam and Douglas!
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Old 07-16-2007, 04:38 AM   #35
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That was really good! I especially liked the ending! Can't wait for another fanfic!

~Little Baby IceCream~

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Old 07-16-2007, 08:30 AM   #36
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Another nice ending from another great story. Sometimes I wonder how you get these ideas.
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Old 07-16-2007, 03:07 PM   #37
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AAAAH! I realised last night as I was going to sleep that I totally forgot to wrap up the D&A storyline! There's no excuse for this kinda slipshod production, I apologise. I totally forgot. you'd think that 2 hours would be enough to add one chapter, but you'd be wrong. So, yeah, the story has been edited (the new part comes in after Frankie saves Duchess from the fire, but before Ms Philburn has her say) and the story is now COMPLETE.

Sorry again.
Unconscious like a fox!
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Old 07-16-2007, 04:36 PM   #38
James Withaness
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Bravo! That was a good wrapup to the story. One final thing:
Originally Posted by Ub3rD4n View Post
But not surprisingly, the way characters act in a fanfic is the way the author thinks they'd act. So, it's gonna be a little different from what others think would happen, and I apologise for that.
You're right, of course, and authors should be able to take liberties with the characters (actually, there are some Foster's fanfics I've enjoyed in which the characters behave quite differently from how they would in the show). Like I said, finding Bloo a little out of character in the first chapter was only worth mentioning because it was about the only thing in any of your stories that was noticeably different from how I'd think a character would behave, and OOC or not, it worked well in the story. I'm looking forward to your future work.
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Old 07-16-2007, 07:34 PM   #39
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AAAaaaahhh!! That was great!! I loved the ending! If some of the less-popular episodes where there was nothing but suffering taking place had ended more like this, maybe they wouldn't be so "less-popular". I liked Slugger. He might have the potential to be overly obnoxious, but that makes him funny.

I also liked the flash scene with Goo.

Good job. Keep up the good work, but feel free to take a well needed rest before obligating yourself to start another fanfic. We'll understand.
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Old 07-17-2007, 02:36 PM   #40
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Nice ending! I found myself laughing at the scene with Goo. Loved it!
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