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Old 12-21-2006, 01:47 PM   #5
pitbulllady's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2005
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Originally Posted by montitech View Post
I personally think IF are very much Like Cartoons, or to be more presice to my opinion the convers0 Cartoons are similar to IF. A cartoon is created in the mind of the its creater, and it is flushed out. and a personality is imbeded into it. cartoons, and IF can do almost anything, including getting SMOOSHED, (Like Wilt) and Survive. The loosing of the limbs, and the patching them up kinda just appeared there out of no were. There was no Hospital stay or parimedic. Most IF do not procreate, yes the flees did, but kinda took that as the baby flees just appeared, Similar to if you have a few bunnies there are magically a lot more bunnies in a year. or if you have a piece of lint on your cloths or in your pocket there is magically always more lint.

Yes it may have been morally off for MR H to ask Goo to create more IF, However MR H predominant personallity is for order and tradition, and The need for the photo outweighed the morality. (and once again being a cartoon, IT WAS FUNNY)

Back to genetics, I believe the basis of an individual IF's DNA is at leastr a part of its creators imagination. imagination in our world is an intangable, but in the Fosters Univers, Imagination is a basis of an IF's DNA. Kinda like the movie MonkeyBone, was the monkey a reality to begin with or a creation. ????

Maybe Someone from the Fosters Team could eventually give us a clue as to the Physics, anatomy and Realities of the Fosters Univers.

I hope I did not go to far off topic. if so Mods feel free to move or delete.
If the Imaginary Friends in the Foster's Universe are like the Toons of Who Framed Roger Rabbit, for instance, then the HUMANS in this series, like Mac and Frankie, would be, as well.

Wilt did NOT get "SMOOSHED"; only his ARM did, and as a result, he wound up losing that arm, just as a living human would if their arm had been crushed. If he's supposed to be nothing more than a bunch of pixels in "canon", then it would be easy to simply animate him a new arm, would it not? We are supposed to certainly get the impression that the Imaginary Friends, for the most part, are biological beings. We did not SEE a paramedic or hospital in Good Wilt Hunting, but that does not mean he didn't wind up in a hospital or clinic to have that arm amputated. SOMEBODY removed it, and sutured the stump. I think that younger children might have been bothered by seeing a favorite character lying up in a hospital bed, and in any case, it was not necessary to show that for people to figure out that it happened. In "Bus The Two of Us", Frankie DOES specifically mention that Foster's Home has an infirmary, and also does specifically mention giving Coco and asperin for her "fever", so we know that Imaginary Friends DO get sick, CAN catch contageous diseases(this is also seen in "Bloooooo"), and can also take human medications, so this would indicate that they are NOT merely "Cartoons", but more like us, biologically.

And, baby bunnies do not "magically" appear-they result from a male and female bunny mating, just as puppies and kittens and snakes and horses get here. There is absolutely no "magic" involved there, from the standpoint of someone raised on a farm, who breeds animals as a hobby.

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