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Old 06-12-2007, 01:18 AM   #1
Foster's Legend
Ub3rD4n's Avatar
40% pretention, 60% insecurity, 0% brains  
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: The only place more isolated than Iceland. New Zealand
Posts: 547
Default Bloogio: King of Fosters (Not a crossover!)

I have been silent for too long! About 4 or 5 days. But for me, that's too long. And I know of at least 2 people who are looking forward to seeing more of my fanfic. So, first off, this fanfic is not a crossover, nor does it have anything to do with cards. The title IS relevant, and despite the confusion I knew it would engender, it was just too awesome in my opinion to pass up. You'll find out how it's relevant pretty soon. I also thought, after my last fic which updated around a chapter per day, that I needed to think my ideas out a tad more before posting them here. So I did, and this is what you get:

Title shot: Episode title on a gold and silver plaque, on blue background

Chapter 1: A Herri Problem

Mr Herriman bounced up the hall to his office, fresh from breakfast, and humming. He opened the door, entered the room, and paused before his desk. "Ah, a new day full of possibilities. Perhaps I shall be able to complete the tax returns today." he claimed contentedly, and hopped over to his desk, sat behind it, and began to arrange papers. When he had the relevant documents on his desk to his satisfaction, he pulled out a quill pen and made to write. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! came a sudden rapping at his office door.
"Come in." instructed Mr Herriman, slightly irritated. In bustled Duchess, followed closely by Bloo, carrying a paddleball.
"Herriman!" yelled Duchess "That tiny blue moron is making a nuisance of himself! How can I get my beauty sleep with that incessant paddle-swinging noise! I ask of you!"
"I was playing paddleball three rooms down from you!"
"Well, you were making enough noise for a herd of elephants!"
"I'll paddleball where I please!"
"Miss Duchess! Master Blooreguard! Be quiet, the both of you! Now, it is apparent that, in the interest of avoiding conflict, Master Blooreguard can play his paddleball elsewhere." Mr Herriman stated.
"But, Mr Herriman-"
"My decision is final. Now if you two would be so kind, I have work to do."
With Duchess smirking and Bloo looking sour, the two left the room, closing the door behind them.
"Now, where was I?"
In came Smarty Pants (an OC from a previous fanfic. Look, he's not really that important) with a petulant look on his face.
"Mr Herriman, the state of this house's library is appalling. Now ASIDE from the troubling lack of a decent fantasy and science fiction section, the orginisation is atrocious. I-"
"Could you get to the point, Master Smarty Pants?"
"Well, it's all here in this 50 page proposal I wrote out." he dumped a large wad of papers on Mr Herriman's desk. "I'm sure that, after reading this, you will agree that-"
"Yes, yes yes." Mr Herriman muttered as he forced Smarty Pants to the door. "Very good. Uplifting to see a freind with such dedication to the house, etcetera, etcetera, now, if you'll excuse me..." at which point he shoved Smarty Pants out the door and slammed it shut behind him.

Unfortunately, Mr Heriman had no sooner reached his desk again when he was interrupted. This annoying trend persisted long into the day.

"Sissors poked me!"
"No, I didn't!"

"Foul Larry is being mean!"

"Stripy freind smash Red flowers!"

"And so, I really need a step-ladder for the bathroom-"
"Enough!" Mr Herriman screamed at Crackers. He then hopped over to the intercom, and yelled through it "Attention all residents! Mandatory House meeting in the play room in five minutes! An important announcement!"


The play room was not really a room for playing in. It was, rather, a room with a large stage, and enough room for hundreds in the audience, so long as the audience didn't mind standing. (Seen in, for example, Berry Scary. The place where the giant rubber-band ball was revealed.) All the friends of the house gathered to hear this "important announcement" Mr Herriman spoke of. The crowd was fairly thick, and although all the Fosters Five were there, only Wilt could see the stage. (Incidentally, Slugger was bouncing up and down in an attempt to see. Who's Slugger? Another unimportant OC of mine from a previous fanfic)
"Oh, I'm sorry." Said Wilt to Mac, bending down. "Wanna lift?" Mac climbed onto Wilt's shoulders and Wilt stood up again to full height, so that they both had a good view as Mr Herriman hopped across the stage up to the podium.
"Order! Settle down, people!" he ordered through the microphone. Once the dull buzz of conversation (and actual buzzing of imaginary bees) died down, he continued. "Fellow house residents. It has recently come to my attention that the house population, at current, is too large for me to adequately fulfil my role of House President alone. In order for me to be able to manage the finances of this house, I must seek a representative to take care of mundane house disputes and desicions in my stead. Therefore, I am instating the official position of King of Fosters." This led to much murmuring among the crowd. "Whoever takes on this grave responsibility shall be subordinate to the House President, and shall be charged with maintaining order in the house so that the President is free to occupy himself with higher affairs. All residents of the house shall have to obey the decrees of the King, or be subject to the most abominable punishment known to Fosters."
"Mucking out the unicorn stables?"
"Feeding the Extremasaurs?"
"No." said Mr Herriman gravely "A fate far worse. They will be responsible for keeping out and cleaning up after....Master Cheese." he then lifted a leg to reveal Cheese hugging it, saying "Preeeetty mousey."
"Who gets to be king?" cried Bloo "I got dibs!"
"The position of King of Fosters shall be decided by popular vote. Only imaginary friends need apply. The elections shall be in two days time. Nominations should be submitted to my office before that time. That is all."
"Well, Wilt's got my vote!" called out an anonymous imaginary friend.
"Me too!" it was seconded.
This was met with general agreement among the friends gathered. Wilt looked modest. "Me? I'm sure someone else deserves the position way more than-"
"You really mean that?"
"Of course we mean that! You would make a muy bueno King, Wilt!"
"Well, you can't be King, cause I'm gonna be King!" announced Bloo.
"Okay, Bloo. I'm sure the best freind will be the one the house votes for." replied Wilt, as he, Coco and Eduardo, walked off to Mr Herriman's office.
"I beleive you can be King, Bloo!" Mac stated. "How about I be your campaign manager? When you get in, I can help you with your job."
"Help me how?"
"You know, solve disputes, make the decisions..."
"Then what'll I do?"
"You'll take the glory."
"Sweet! That's a great idea, Mac! Together, noone can stop us! We'll squash Wilt like a bug!......Uh, no offence, Joey."
"*sigh*..........none taken." said a large, gross, insectoid friend behind them.
Unconscious like a fox!
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