Thread: Foster's Dreams
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Old 06-21-2010, 06:26 PM   #413
Baja Blast my Beloved
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Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
I had a great one last night, and it was about the show itself rather than personally interacting with the characters. The dream was about an unadvertised one hour special, which I discovered about five minutes before airtime. The plot was mostly about the character's pasts and little details about their biographies; basically it was the cast swapping stories about their lives. It was in high definition, too; I've never seen Frankie drawn with so much detail. I didn't see the entire show but I did catch parts of four segments, each dealing with a particular character; Frankie, Mr. Herriman, Wilt, and Coco, in that order. Mr. Herriman's segment was the one I saw the most of and took place long before Foster's was founded. Madame Foster was in the segment, as was her husband, whom Mr. Herriman spent a great deal of time annoying, constantly telling him to "Be good to my creator, young man!" or something to that effect. Frankie's segment seemed to be about balancing college and her duties at the house, Wilt's segment focused on a typical day with Jordan in his old neighborhood, and Coco's story had her speaking coherent English in earlier times and inexplicably included a car chase. As the show ended I had the impression that this was something Craig had written and produced especially for the fans, to answer some long-standing questions about the characters lives and what makes them tick. The dream ended with me turning off my DVR and thinking that I'd best log in here, because this special was going to be the hot topic for the next few days.

Dang pleasant dream; who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and it'll come true.
The only downside to episode dreams like these is waking up and realizing that it wasn't real. Seriously, right after watching a dream episode, I go "Oh I HAVE to say something about this on NF" but as soon as the post is done I wake, and want to scream because it was fake.

But I just thought of something, though. What if they WERE real episodes, but only seeable in dreams, kinda like how Futurama has advertisements even in dreams. That'd be so awesome, if it was so.
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