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Old 07-14-2007, 07:10 PM   #26
Foster's Legend
Ub3rD4n's Avatar
40% pretention, 60% insecurity, 0% brains  
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: The only place more isolated than Iceland. New Zealand
Posts: 547

So, sorry about the shortness of the last chapter. Yesterday I came down with something awful (I even got out of work for it) and I got tired a lot faster than I thought I would because of that.(Yes, I know. Excuses, excuses). I'm still not in what you'd call prime mental condition (even for me), but I've been on this fanfic for long enough, and it needs to be finished soon, so here we go:

And BTW: Slugger is normally unnessecary for the story. I just like him. But he IS actually vaugely important here. Just you wait and see.

Chapter Six: It Was Like That When I Got Here

"'s gotta be round here somewhere. Aha!" Bloo cried triumphantly as he pulled a makeup kit out of Frankie's room. "Now I'm gonna be able to dust for prints! That theif is as good as caught." He walked past part of the hall which was on fire, with Slugger next to it yelling "Burn! Burn!". When he realised Bloo was there he turned to face him and tried in vain to block his view of the gigantic fire now raging. "H-hi, Bloo. Wassup?"
Bloo glared at him for the longest time, and then said "Outta my way! I've got a criminal to catch and I don't need any pointless distractions!" He then walked off in search of the jewel theif.

"So," said Frankie, continuing the tour of the house through some of the house's many hallways, with Ms Philburn scribbling notes on a clipboard all the way. "we here at Fosters take great love and care for all the imaginary friends who live here. We treat them as if they were our own. What the-" Frankie had just walked around a corner to see Douglas and Adam with an imaginary friend hooked up to some weird machine, taking notes as the dials and LED displays changed on the machine. The imaginary friend seemed to be in no small discomfort. As soon as they saw Frankie, the two jumped in front of the machine, trying to block it from view. "What the heck are you two doing!? You're not allowed to do any weird experiments on any of the imaginary friends except Coco!"
" mean this..isn't Coco?" stammered Douglas.
"No! It is not Coco!" cried Frankie, unplugging the friend from the machine.
"Oh, we-we-well we'll just be going then." he replied, as he and Adam grabbed the machine and ran off. Well, the machine was so heavy that all they could do was walk briskly, but they certainly gave the impression of running.
"Uuugh, why today?" Frankie muttered to herself.
"Who were those men?" asked Ms Philburn.
"Oh, two guys who dropped off a friend a few years ago on the provision that they could come and make observations on her whenever they liked. They're a know, not that bright. Who wants to visit the parlour?"

"That was close. She almost found out." Adam remarked.
"But the plan! The plan!" Douglas blurted out.
"Don't worry. I don't think she suspects. The plan will go forward as......planned."

"Well, Coco, I think we've been taking the wrong direction here. I think we should try a new strategy for getting Cheese out of here."
"No, Coco. A chainsaw is not a strategy."
"Coco cocococococo."
"I don't care if it would make everyone happy! Look, just hang back, I'lll show you how this is done."
Wilt turned around a corner, to see Cheese sucking on a light bulb.
"Where'd he get that?" Wilt muttered to himself, then yelled "Hey, Cheese?"
"Wanna play a game?"
"Yess! Yess!"
"Well, then, come over here!"
Cheese ran straight to Wilt, who grabbed him and lifted him into the air. "See, Coco?" Wilt said smugly "We didn't have to hurt him! He's just looking for someone to play with."
"Uuuup! Uuuup!" Cheese cried, raising his hands in the air.
"Cococo coco."
"You think? Okay, then." Wilt then lifted Cheese onto his back, so that he was riding piggy-back.
"Horsie! Horsie!" cried Cheese, jumping up and down.
"You wanna ride?"
"Yess! Yess!"
"You wanna ride outside?"
"Yesssss! Yesssss!"
"Then let's go!"
Wilt took about two steps towards the front doors before Eduardo came bowling into him, knocking him over.
"Wilt! Coco! There is a BANDITO in the house! He is big, and scary, and he smells like feet! Is you okay?"
"Taaaaag!" cried Cheese, and ran off.
"Well, we WERE okay, until you ran into us! Sorry, sorry, but we were THIS close to having Cheese out of the house!"
"Waah! I sorry, Wilt!" cried Eduardo, bawling now "I got scared something happen to you and Coco!"
"Whoa, calm down, Ed. Calm down." said Wilt, patting Eduardo on the head. "It's okay, I'm sorry. It was an accident. No harm done."

"There certainly are a lot of hallways in this house, aren't there?" Ms Philburn commented.
"You don't know the half of it." replied Frankie. "But we still make sure that all the rooms and hallways of the house are in tip-top condition." as she said this, they came across an Eduardo-shaped hole in the wall, through which they could see a whole lot more Eduardo-shaped holes in different walls. "Uh, moving along..." Frankie said, panickedly, ushering her guests further down the corridors which were covered in makeup. "Uh, moving along further...."

" is now only a matter of time before that twit ruins the house and that ugly lady shuts down Fosters forever!" said Duchess to herself. "I shall be free! No more having to stand that lazy Frankie, that whiny Eduardo, that stupid Wilt, and most of all that troublesome-"
"Duchess! I KNEW it would be you! Well, I'm on to your plans!" Bloo announced from behind Duchess.
"What plans? I plan nothing!" Duchess blurted out.
"Oh, yeah? Then why are you standing there gloating to yourself? Only people with evil plans gloat to themselves! After all the false leads and unnessecary torturing, I've finally caught you, jewel theif!"
"Jewel theif? You think I am a- no wait. You wish to know who the jewel theif is, no?"
"I know it's you, Duchess! Confess! I have ways of making people talk!" at this point, Bloo pulled out a couple of springy clothes pegs.
"Listen, you grating little twerp!" Duchess yelled, pulling Bloo up so that he was level with her eyes (well, one of them, at any rate) "I'm trying to help you! I know who the jewel theif is! she is in this very house!"
"What, seriously? For a while there, I thought maybe there WAS no jewel theif."
"Then why all the yelling and grabbing and accusation?"
"Mostly an excuse to use the clothespegs. I don't suppose you-"
"No. Now listen carefully. There is an old lady in the house, she is being followed by a blonde girl. She is the one you want. I'd watch out though. She's supposed to be pretty dangerous."
"Noone is a match for Inspector Blooseu! I shall track down this menace, and bring her to justice!"
"I think she went that way!" Duchess told Bloo, who ran off in the offered direction. "Now, where was I? I think I got up to the part where I laugh evilly. Mwahahahaha!!"
Unconscious like a fox!
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