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Old 01-23-2008, 02:05 AM   #10
Foster's Legend
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Join Date: Apr 2007
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Okay, so I said I was gonna do it, and now I'm a-doin' it! Now that we know for absolute certain that Season 5 is OVA BABY! We can begin our advanced critique. Well, I can, and you can all listen. I know that this level of analysis is geeky, but I'm bored, okay?

So, I'll be looking at about three things here: The themes I picked up in this season, how the season treated individual characters, and the performance of the episodes as a whole.

First off, we see some themes: First of all, there is the "Out and about" theme that Messr Ditchy already elaborated on, so no need to go into that here.

Second we have the Mac and Bloo being friends theme. This showed up in at least four episodes out of the twelve, which meets my criteria for a theme. It was likely a response to the awesome viewer response to "Squeeze the Day", or at least an admittance that this theme (which is meant to be present throughout the entire series) has been somewhat lacking in recent seasons. I enjoyed this theme immensely.

Third, we have the spotlight shone on Madame Foster, who has been the least recurring of all the characters outside the Fosters Five but still truly main cast. Again, at least four episodes featured her prominently, and we've seen a lot more of our favourite little old lady. Some of these episodes were good for her image, like "Something Old, Something Bloo". Though others, not so much. I still liked it, though.

Next we go on to review each character's stake in this latest season:

Bloo got tons of screen time, almost to the exclusion of the rest of the Fosters Five, even if you take into account the whole Mac&Bloo theme. Ditchy already beat me to the chase here too, so I defer to him.

As part of the Mac/Bloo ensemble, Mac also got lots of screen time here, and plenty of scenes. Fans of sugar high Mac were in for a treat this season. He pretty much showed up everywhere this season, as he always does.

Wilt, on the other hand, got little time directed towards him. Even if you compare this to his rather dismal showing in the past. Again, others have long lamented about this, so I ain't gonna repeat.

Eduardo made out pretty well from this season. For any character other than the Mac/Bloo, any season where two whole episodes are dedicated to you is a good one. He also got plenty of memorable lines, even where he wasn't starring.

Coco: Um, was Coco IN this season? I don't remember. Oh, wait, she had that one awesome line on the halloween special. Otherwise, no, not really.

Frankie: Average to good season. She's had good roles just about the whole way through, and a fair amount of screen time. Sure she was thrashed about in Cheese A Go-Go, but if you lived through The Big Cheese, you have nothing to fear. Oh, and if you're a fan, please try to ignore that last episode of the season.

Mr Herriman had few appearances here, but the ones he did have were good. The Madame F/Mr H high five and the whole prank on Bloo thing stand out to me.

Madame Foster: already covered. Didn't you read above?

Duchess: Got some good lines in, but nothing special, time-wise. I loved her this season, but this is just my opinion.

Terrence: AWOL

Goo: just one minor appearance. Obviously she's on cooldown after appearing in almost all of season four.

Cheese: One appearance I loved, and another that was...dissappointing. I dunno who they hoped to please with The Little Peas, but I hope it wasn't Cheese fans, cause it was his most bland appearance so far.

Jackie Khones somehow: Yeah, I was amazed at first, but he seems to have been promoted to recurrer status. It's worked out fairly well so far, for me and from what I've seen, the fanbase as a whole. His personality has been revealed, and most like what they see.

Now finally: How did the episodes play out? Well, they were very up and down. Some sucked worse than we thought Fosters could, yet some were more awesome than most other episodes we've ever seen (which is hard to do by season five of any show). Many have attributed this to the Bachman. He's written some horrible ones, but also some of the best. I reserve judgement for now. As for season five as a whole? I tend to rate quality over consistency, so rate it just above season three and below season four. not bad, guys. Not bad.

Of course, I'd like to see what you guys think, too.
Unconscious like a fox!
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