Thread: "Imposters"
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Old 01-01-2008, 10:48 AM   #38
The Best Character on the Show
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I disliked this episode, not necessarily so much because of its treatment of Frankie as much as I simply didn't think of it as a good episode. Goofball was, in my mind, simply an annoying character who tried to be Bloo and failed.

I'm certain I'll be lynched for saying this, but I'm saying it anyway: both Frankie and Goofball were responsible for the hell Frankie went through. While I don't dislike Frankie (she's a good character, and I tend to honestly be somewhat more sympathetic to her than anything), she was still overly reactionary for SOME of the events. It never occured to her to simply ask Goofball to take his rubber noise off (I think; I could be wrong on this, as I haven't seen the episode in a bit), and instead she tried to get it off by force. She ultimately ended up dressing herself up as an imaginary friend (and giving her money to Mac in order to get him to keep quiet, which was probably more reactionary and something she wouldn't have needed to have done), which was a stretch and overexaggeration. While it made sense to her, she was under so much stress at the moment that she simply ended up overreacting. Not that it excuses her for overreacting.

Goofball is hardly innocent, however. He is either 1) incredibly stupid, 2) genuinely malicious, or 3) simply horrifically ignorant. He doesn't care about what he does or how his actions may effect other people. Anyone, and not just Frankie, would have had their tolerance pushed to the limit if they had to deal with him, and especially by the fact that he's incapable of telling why Frankie seems to genuinely dislike him. He's more responsible for the events that occur as the cause, but Frankie is still somewhat to blame for the way she handles it.

Those are my thoughts for the moment, at least.

Last edited by Nathander; 01-01-2008 at 04:51 PM.
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