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Old 06-26-2007, 12:17 AM   #5
Foster's Legend
Ub3rD4n's Avatar
40% pretention, 60% insecurity, 0% brains  
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: The only place more isolated than Iceland. New Zealand
Posts: 547

Well, here I post again. Twice in a row. I'm gonna go and tell myself that's because there was only three hours between posts. And no, I don't think that's double-posting, because I left more than 15 minutes between them, which I believe is the accepted amount of time. Alright, I'm gonna start the chapter now.

Chapter 3: Unwelcome Guests

"Okay guys, you remember the plan! Find Bloo and keep him AWAY from the inspector until he's gone! Now go, go, go!"
Wilt, Eduardo and Coco ran off to find Bloo, while Frankie ran towards the main doors and opened them wide.
"Welcome to Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends. I'm Frankie and I-oh, it's jjust you."
"You" turned out to be Adam and Douglas, standing in front of the main doorway in their usual grubby attire.
"Yes, it is we!" proclaimed Adam, "We have returned once more to Fosters to gaze upon your beautious visage."
"So, you guys are here to see Coco."
"Coco!" snapped Douglas.
"Oh, yes.......of course."
"Well, come on in. I'd show you to Coco but I'm expecting someone."
"We'll show ourselves in." Adam said, and he sauntered in, leaving Douglas to haul a large heavy weird-looking piece of equipment in.

Meanwhile, Wilt, Eduardo and Coco found Bloo in the media room, watching TV.
"Hey, Bloo!" said Wilt.
"Soooo.... wanna go play outside? It's a great day for it."
"Naah...I'm in more of a TV mood today."
"..........You sure?"
"But we can't play basketball with an odd number of people."
"So? Find someone else. I'm sure there's a bunch of guys who'd love to play." Bloo said, flipping through channels.
"But you gotta go!" Eduardo cried out.
"Cause of the inspector." Eduardo said before thinking, then quickly put his hands to his mouth.
"Inspector, what inspector?" Bloo, now engaged, asked suspiciously.
"Nothing. Noone. I speaka the English." Eduardo blurted out.
"What's going on here?" Bloo asked.
"I found a hat." came a contented statement from across the room. When the others turned to see who had said this statement (as if they didn't already know), they saw none other than Cheese, standing there with an upturned flower pot on his head. There was a trail of muddy footprints leading up to him.
"Oh, no." said Wilt softly. Coco, on the other hand, made to run up to tackle Cheese, but he saw her coming, screamed, and ran off the other way. Coco continued to chase after him, and Wilt and Eduardo followed after, leaving Bloo there to ponder these strange circumstances.
"What the heck was that all about? Something about an inspector. Why would an inspector come to Fosters? Unleeesss he was on the trail of a famous jewel theif, and that jewel theif was one of the residents of Fosters! Wow! Who knew we had a famous jewel theif living here. But that inspector's gonna need help from someone who knows their way around here...." Bloo then ran upstairs to the toychest and pulled out a magnifying glass and a Sherlock Homes hat. "This looks like a case for the legendary detective Inspector Blooseu!" Bloo then ran off, presumably to solve a crime.

"Man, I've been waiting a while." Frankie muttered to herself. "Maybe it would be better to go get some chores out of the way while I wait for this inspector to show up. Yeah, that's what I'll do. I'll just go and-"
"Finally!" Frankie made her way back to the front doors and opened them up. "Welcome to Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends. I'm Frankie and I-" once again, Frankie saw something she did not expect to see. Standing outside the doors were a middle-aged lady with steel-gray hair mottled with brown, but it was the thing next to her that really made Frankie hesitate. The lady from the other day was standing right there next to her, grinning, as if this was the most natural thing in the world. The middle-aged lady introduced herself.
"I'm Doris Philburn from the Department of Social Services. I'll be inspecting this care facility. This is my neice Denise. She will be accompanying me. Is there a problem?"
"......No! No problem! Right this way. Like I was saying I'm the Estate Manager of Fosters. I see to it that all the friends needs are met. This is the main foyer. If you'll follow me, I'll show you to Mr Herriman, our Director of Financial Affairs. He'll conduct the tour the rest of the way." Frankie led the two up the stairs to Mr Herriman's office. "Mr Herriman? The inspector's here. And she's brought her neice." Frankie sounded a little miffed at that last point.
"Ah. The more the merrier." said Mr Herriman jovially as he came out of his office. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Mr Herriman, Director of Financial Affairs for Fosters." said Mr Herriman, holding out his hand.
"This is your Director of Financial Affairs? Tell me this is some kind of innappropriate joke." said Miss Philburn.
"I shall have you know, madame, that I have held this position for over twenty years."
"How nice of you. Here, have a wowwi pop." Miss Philburn said, reaching to grab one from her pocket.
"I never! Do not patronise me, young lady! How dare you judge me without even so much as properly introducing yourself! Why, in all my years-"
"Now, Mr Herriman, " interjected Frankie, "we con't want to insult the nice lady who has the power to SHUT US DOWN." Mr Herriman harrumphed and retreated back into his office. "Sorry about that. Mr Herriman's old and he sometimes has these.....episodes."
"Oh, I understand. Children can be like that sometimes. I work with them a lot in my profession."
"Uh, so I guess I'm giving the rest of the tour. Uh, this way..."
As the three of them walked off back downstairs, a figure came out of the shade in the far reaches of the hallway.
"Shut Fosters down, eh?" said Duchess "What an interesting concept."
Unconscious like a fox!
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