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Old 06-15-2007, 01:39 AM   #4
Foster's Legend
Ub3rD4n's Avatar
40% pretention, 60% insecurity, 0% brains  
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: The only place more isolated than Iceland. New Zealand
Posts: 547

Whoo, that was a little longer break between chapters than I thought! So, yeah, who WOULDN'T want Wilt as their King. Pandering to his legions of fangirls aside, I know I would! In response to Vampyre's comment, I think that Mac would support Bloo, even if he knew that Bloo wasn't strictly speaking the best for the job, if he didn't consider it to be much of a big deal. It's not that he doesn't think Wilt would be better, it's just personal loyalties. And of course, your opinion is a highly valid one, but the way I made it turn out is almost as valid, and I thought it would be better for the story. Speaking of which:

Chapter 2: Bloo/Mac 2007

Mac and Bloo came walking down the hall. Mac had a bucket in his hand full of rolled up posters and Bloo had a roll of sticky tape. Mac put the bucket down, pulled out a poster, unrolled it, and put it up against the wall. The poster had a picture of Bloo on it, in Uncle Sam outfit, and pointing angrily at the observer. The text read simply: Bloo/Mac 2007. Bloo then proceeded to tape the poster to the wall. Frankie, who had come wandering by, stopped to chat with them. "Going for the whole "King of Fosters" thing, huh, Bloo? This is just like the time I ran for House President."
"Yeah, actually, we're trying to avoid comparisons to that."
Meanwhile, upstairs, Coco, Wilt and Eduardo were working on their campaign. Coco layed an egg, and kicked it off the stairs, so that it hit the celing and cracked open. Thousands of "Vote for Wilt" fliers rained down on the foyer, which was full of friends.
"Hey, no fair!" yelled Bloo.
"Don't worry, Bloo. I've got an idea that's waaay better than fliers." replied Mac.

"Vote for Bloo! Free peppermint brownies! Vote for Bloo!" Mac called, as Bloo handed out said peppermint brownies to the general population of the house. He handed one to The New Guy. "There you go, my fine.....uh, whatever you're supposed to be. Vote for Bloo!"
"Hey, Bloo." said Smarty Pants "I appreciate free brownies, but if I vote for you, what're your policies?"
"What're my policies?" Bloo retorted, exaggeratedly, "You think I don't know my own policies? I will let you know, sir, that I know my policies." Mac then surreptitiously handed his some peices of card. "They're all here on these cards." Bloo finished smugly, brandishing the cards. Mac hit his own head in embarrasment.
"Lesse policies are to restock the library, fix the leaky plumbing on the fifth work...hey! All these policies suck!" Bloo lept up on an ornamental coffee table. "If I am elected, chores will be a thing of the past! A jetcar in every bedroom, and the whole house will be clothes optional!" This was met with cheers, except for Mac, who reminded Bloo "The house already IS clothes optional!"
"Then why are you still wearing THAT? I mean, seriously, who dresses you, your mom?"
"Hey, look!" someone yelled, pointing at Wilt, Eduardo and Coco, who had a table with a gigantic, multi-tiered chocolate cake. Everyone rushed over to them.
"Oh, so it's war, huh?" growled Bloo "Well, I have not yet begun to campagan!"
"That's campaign." cut in Smarty Pants
"Shut up, you!"

"Come on, Madame Foster! Shake my hand!"
"Oh, no ya don't! I ain't falling for that again! Fool me once, shame on Bloo, fool me twice, shame on City Hall!" Madame Foster said defiantly, walking briskly away from Bloo, who dived to the floor and grabbed her legs.
"But I gotta shake hands with old people, and Frankie already said no!"
"Not gonna happen, bub!" she yelled, freeing herself from Bloo's grasp, and walking off.
"Okay, Mac, I didn't want to do this, but he's forced my hand."

"Mmmmmwah!" Bloo kissed Big Baby, right on the cheek, who then dissolved into bawling. "Oh, come on! it was just a kiss! Don't be such a....well..." he then got a smack in the head from Coco, who was there with Wilt and Eduardo.
"What? I was not harassing him! Er,"
"You can give me a kiss if you want, Bloo." said Eduardo.
"Eduardo, my man! Can I rely on your vote?" Bloo asked, pinning a "Bloo 2007" button onto Eduardo, eliciting a yelp.
"But....I thought that Senor Wilt would be a better King."
"Come on, Eduardo! If I'm elected King, we can have round the clock exterminators! Think of it! You'd never have to see a slimy, disgusitng bug again in your life!......No offence Joey."
"Once again......none taken." said Joey despondently.
"Waaagh! Insecto!" cried Eduardo, who ran off in terror.
"Why do they always scream?" asked Joey.

Screeeeeeech! Went the microphone in the play room, as Mr Herriman adjusted it. "Ahem. As you all know, today is the day of the elections for King of Fosters. I suggest you choose wisely, for the person you choose will have a great deal of power over you. I only hope that you make the right choice and choose someone responsible for the job. All nominees have the opportunity to make a short speech before the polls are opened. Master Wilt?"
Wilt tried to adjust his microphone so that he could speak while standing, but settled for just adjusting it as high as it could go, and bending down a little.
"Uhhhh....hi! I'm Wilt! Uh....I guess you already know that....Well...I think I should be King of Fosters because the psoition's all about helping people. And I love helping people. I know each and every one of you by name, and I know you're all great people. Even those of you who are...not so great."
"Get on with it!" shouted Duchess.
"Sorry. Well, yeah. I think I'd make a great King for Fosters. I'd do my best to live up to the responsibility, and help make Fosters the best place for imaginary friends! So vote for me! ......uh, if that's okay."

The friends then turned their attention to Little Lincon, who was sitting in Moose's pocket, with the mic adjusted to his level. "My fellow Imaginary Friends! I know I may have done you wrong in the past, but if elected, I assure you I will not enslave the lot of you for my own personal gain-" at this point there was a lot of booing coming at him form the audience, and a tomato was thrown at him. "Get us outta here you moron!" he yelled at Moose, who then retreated backstage.

So it was Bloo's turn to speak. "Friends! I think it's pretty obvious to you who you should vote for here! Me! Cause I am the awesomest candidate here! If you vote for me, I promise non-stop partying! All hours access to the kitchen! And a thousand elephants!" this was met with much cheering.
"Now," remarked Mr Herriman, "If all the candidates have said their peice-"
"Ahem!" shouted Slugger "I haven't said MY peice yet!"
"........Must you?"
"Yes!.....My friends" he began lightly "Unlike my fellow candidates, I cannot make you crazy promises like "Awesome" or "Justice" or "Not enslaving you all", but I CAN promise you that I will be me. And I am more important than anything. So vote for me! It's me!"
"Well, if you're quite done," Mr Herriman said snarkily "let the voting begin!"

A convinent amount of time later...
"The votes have been tabulated!" Frankie announced. "The votes stand thus: As the grand loser, with only one vote, Slugger!"
"What!? I was robbed!"
"The next lowest was Little Lincon, with two votes! Next came Bloo, with three votes! After that was Zigzag, with twenty votes-"
"Zigzag!" cried Bloo in disbelief, "Who the heck is Zigzag?"
"And, well......all the rest of the votes go to Wilt. Congradulations, Wilt!"
"Oh yeah!" cried Wilt, jumping into the air with glee. He then seemed to regain his composure. "Sorry."
Unconscious like a fox!
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