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Old 10-10-2006, 04:34 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Invader Bloo View Post
I think he was imagined that way. I'd take a bed, instead of sleeping on a wood floor for the rest of your life.

It's actually pretty obvious that Wilt was NOT imagined that way-with a missing arm and a missing eye and scars on both sides of his face. For one thing, the official Cartoon Network character description of him says, "even though life has been rough to Wilt...", which indicates some really dark times in his past. Wilt refers to himself as "broken" in the pilot; now if something is broken, that means it once was whole, and no longer is. I've often used the analogy of a snake not having ANY limbs by default, yet we know that's normal and don't think of snakes as "broken" because of it, anymore than we think of ourselves as "broken" for lacking wings by default. We were made that way, but if a bird is missing a wing, we know that something is wrong. That bird is, in that sense, broken, since it's not normal for a bird to be missing a wing. It's not normal for Wilt to be missing an arm and an eye, either, and he knows it. Wilt also gives some clues that he was not made that way in the pilot. After the first meeting of him with Mac and Bloo, when Bloo tells him that he should play basketball, he says(rather nervously, with obvious hesitation), "Oh...well, I used know...uh, how about that tour?" As he says this, he wiggles his stump of an arm, and sort of gestures towards it with his head, as if to indicate that THIS is the reason he no longer plays basketball(not competitively, at least), then abruptly changes the subject, making it clear that this is not a topic he's comfortable with. If he had always had just one arm and one eye, he'd have no reason to feel that way. In the early concept drawings of Wilt that Craig has up on his blog, he has several of various incarnations of Wilt still in bandages, with far more injuries than he's shown with now, PLUS he has one that is identical to the current familiar Wilt, but with BOTH eyes and BOTH arms and no scars on his face, to compare with the current Wilt-Before, and After.

Besides, it would make no sense whatsoever, not even considering that Wilt was created by a child, for that child to create an Imaginary Friend to play basketball, and yet create him with a missing arm and missing eye, which would hardly contribute to his basketball playing success. Even children's logic is more sound than that.


Last edited by pitbulllady; 10-10-2006 at 04:35 AM.
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