Thread: Foster's Dreams
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Old 09-11-2007, 07:55 PM   #307
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XD I was reading this thread last night and I was like "Dayum, I wish I had a dream about Foster's." And POOF I had a dream last night about Foster's. It sounds like a really bad self-insert fanfic though XDD

Anyway for some reason all the Friends in the house had to accompany Frankie to some other abandoned house where they had to hose down hallways and mop the floors and etc. Naturally Bloo wasn't too happy with it and he was complaining all the way about the wooden floors not being able to withstand water, and that the water from the mopping was just pooling into one gigantic puddle and making the floorboards wet and brittle. Eventually the floor fell through and Frankie was like (=__=)|||

Then halfway through Wilt started getting really nervous about something, at one point he bent over to whisper something in Frankie's ear. He was also dressed in a dark navy basketball outfit, complete with shorts, and for some reason had a makeshift prosthetic cardboard-and-cloth arm attached to his left one. Something about missing the basketball game he'd been looking forward to all week, and he was going to miss the game because they were taking longer in this house than originally planned.

Self-insert begins here. XD So Wilt was all sad and glum that he wouldn't be able to catch his game, and he slunk off to the back of the room. I tried to cheer him up by saying we could see if someone else had taped it and borrow the tape from them, etc. He smiled a bit then went off.

This part gets a bit odd. Bloo is really fed up with being cooped in the house, and he makes a dash for the only door in the rather large room. All the Friends from the house are in this room, and Bloo races past Frankie, races past everyone, and dashes out the door to freedom. At this point in my dream I was thinking, "Where's Mac?" and presto, just as Bloo dashed out the door Mac came IN and went, "Did anyone see Bloo?" ROFL

Bloo grabbed Mac and dragged him out the door with him, then slammed it shut. Me and Frankie were trying our best to get the door open again (somehow we knew it locked the moment it closed) and I was yelling for Eduardo to help us. Somehow I used the exact words Mac used from the pilot. O__o "Eduardo! Help! Be a hero!"

But after a while Ed didn't come and when I finally found him (together with Coco) they'd both shrunk. Ed was the size of a plush toy and Coco was even tinier, about the size of those collectible plastic figurines you get from capsule machines. They were both pretty distressed about it (Maybe the water shrunk them??) and again, me being the Mary Sue in my dream, cheered them up by telling Ed he still had pretty large and magnificent teeth and horns, and that Coco looked really cute when she was so tiny.

Then somehow Wilt brought up the conversation that if we were to get out, we should send half the Friends to look for Mac and Bloo and the other half to go buy supplies from the market. I disagreed and said we should send MOST of the Friends home before they got lost, and the regular gang (Frankie, Wilt, Ed, Coco, and somehow me >>; ) to look for Mac&Bloo/shop for supplies instead. Then it cut to the pilot scene where it tilts up from Wilt's shoes to his head (he's back in his normal appearance, without the clothes) and he goes (to me), "Hey, how're you doing? Name's Wilt."

And then it ended O________o;;; Talk about really bad self-insert fanfiction. Whoa.

Last edited by ptps; 09-11-2007 at 08:00 PM. Reason: typos lulz
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