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Old 06-18-2007, 01:27 AM   #9
Foster's Legend
Ub3rD4n's Avatar
40% pretention, 60% insecurity, 0% brains  
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: The only place more isolated than Iceland. New Zealand
Posts: 547

Okay, sorry bout that non-update tease the other day. I was GONNA do another chapter, but realised that I simply didn't have the time. But I do now:

Chapter 3: Wilt's the Boss

The friends were gathered in the play room for the official corronation of Wilt as King of Fosters. The stage had a large ornate chair for a throne on it, and all the friends in the house were gathered in the audience to witness it (on the grounds that there really wasn't much better to do). Wilt sat on the throne while Mr Herriman made to place a relatively small gold crown on his head. "And with this I cede to you the title of King of Fosters. Whosoever holds this crown will hold the authority and responsibility that entails." He then hopped off to finish his paperwork. A cheer rose up from the crowd, along with a chanting of "Speech! Speech! Speech!"
"Well, I don't have anything planned but....." Wilt said, standing up to his full height. "I'd like to thank you all for voting me in. And I'll do my best to live up to the resposnsibility given to me. So, I guess I'd better get to work right now!" All the friends cheered.
"Y'know, 'Wilt, what you need is a couple of baliffs." said Smarty Pants, lifting himself up on stage to talk to Wilt.
"What's a baliff?"
"Someone who can help organise and enforce your edicts. Some one wise, trustworthy and-"
"Hey, Eduardo! Coco! Wanna be my baliffs?"
"Yeah, whatever." said Smarty Pants dejectedly, and wandered off. Coco, on the other hand, walked up to the stage and shouted "Coco! Cococo coco coco!" at which the freinds either walked off to go about their business, or formed a single file line to see Wilt. Eduardo and Coco took up position to either side of Wilt.
"Cococo coco!"
Two small cute friends walked up to Wilt.
" Your highness" one of them said "we need your desicion on who this peice of cake belongs to. I say it belongs to me."
"But I say it's my peice of cake!" interjected the other friend.
"Wilt, you know it it's my cake, don't you?"
"Wilt, you would never call me a liar, would you?"
Wilt's one good eye moved nervously from one friend to the next, back to the first. This repeated for a good five minutes. Then Wilt stood up.
"I have made my desicion! And that desicion is.....IabdicatethethronetoEduardo!" he blurted, putting the crown on Eduardo's head and running off, out of the room. "Sorry!"

There was a stunned silence among everyone still in the room for quite some time. Then Eduardo seemed to pull himself together, and slowly walked to the throne and sat down. "Ahehem!" he cleared his throat. "I decree, the cake shall be cut in half, and both friends shall recieve a equal slice." Which was met by much cheering. Both of the feuding friends seemed happy at this.
"Thank you King Eduardo!" one said "Now we both get cake, and can stop this silly fight and get back to being friends!"
"No need to thank me." said Eduardo solemly "I is just doing my job."

Meanwhile, in Bloo's room. Bloo was lying face-down on his bed. Mac was standing next to him, trying to talk sense into him.
"Come on Bloo, quit being such a baby! So you lost! Big deal! You should be happy for Wilt!"
"Oh, yeah! And I guess I'll never see him around cause he'll be to buuusyyy to play with us!"
At that moment, Wilt walked into the room. "Hey guys."
"Hey Wilt." replied Bloo, distractedly. "Wilt! What're you doing here? What, aren't you too busy with your new job?"
"Uh, well, you see, the thing about that is...I kinda...quit?"
"What?" cried Mac.
"I'm sorry, Mac, but I had to choose which friend got a piece of cake and they were looking at me with the puppy dog eyes, and I couldn't really choose so I jussst......quit."
"Then who's got the position of King of Fosters?"
"I kinda.......gave it to Eduardo."
"Eduardo?" both Bloo and Mac incredulously and simultaneously cried out.
"But Eduardo can't handle a responsibility like this!" Mac exclaimed "He'll totally flip out!"
"Hey, you guys gotta have a little more faith in Eduardo! I'm sure he'll make a great King!"
"Yeah, right. I'll give you five minutes before he makes some stupid decree." announced Bloo, snarkily.
KNOCK! KNOCK! came a knock at the door. Wilt opened it to reveal Jackie Khones standing outside with a peice of paper in his hands, which he read from.
"Attention. By royal decree of his Highness, King Eduardo Uno, all residents of Fosters are hereby required to wear shinguards and helmets at all times. Please report to the fourth floor utility closet to obtain your protecctive gear. Thank you and have a nice day." all said in typical Khones monotone.
"Well, that was fast." Bloo noted.
"Well, come on, Bloo. We better go get our stuff." said Wilt.
"You kidding? I wouldn't be caught dead in that getup."
"Bloo, you better do as Edurdo says." warned Mac "You don't wanna end up Cheese-sitting, do you?"
Bloo scowled, but followed the others to the utility closet, mumbling.

When they reached the closet they found a huge line of friends, stretching out into the hall, all waiting for their safety gear. It was a long wait, especially with Bloo whining about being bored the whole time, and Wilt constantly letting people cut in front of him. Finally they got there, to see a desk in front, with Smarty Pants behind it.
"We're here for the helmets and shinguards." Wilt said.
"Oh, you mustn't have gotten the last few decrees while you were standing in line. The King has also decreed that there be mandatory wearing of shoulderpads, padded vests, kneepads, elbow-pads and mouthguards." Smarty Pants was handed another peice of paper by Jackie Khones. "Oh and water wings."
"Water wings?" exclaimed Bloo, indignantly.
"In case of flooding." Smarty Pants then heaved a pile of the safety equipment onto the desk.
"So how come you aren't wearing any of this junk?" asked Bloo angrily.
"I'm the equipment manager. I get equipment for myself after I have finished getting equipment for everyone else. Now, please move along, sir. You're holding up the line and this is going to be a long day."

As the friends walked along, Wilt and Bloo in their awkward safety gear, Bloo muttering angrily to himself, mac tried to strike up a conversation.
"Well, I guess it's a good idea. I mean, consider how many times you and Boo get hurt. It's pretty high."
"You know what, guys?" said Wilt. "Since we got the safety gear on anyhow, why don't we go play some football?"
"That's a great idea! How about it, Bloo?" asked Mac. Bloo just kept muttering angrily.

Outside, Wilt got the football ready to throw. "Go long, Mac!" he yelled. mac ran backwards, getting ready to recieve the ball. Bloo mostly just stood on the sidelines, sulikng. Wilt was about to throw the ball when Cy walked up to him. "Excuse me" he said "but by royal decree the game of football is no longer allowed on the grounds of Fosters."
"What? Why?" asked Wilt.
"Too dangerous. People can get hurt when they're tackled."
"Oh. I guess I can see that. Sorry. Okay, guys, how agout we play some baseball?"
"That's banned too. You could scrape a knee sliding. Or get hit by the ball."
"Ping pong?" Cy shook his head. "Soccer?" more shaking. "Basketball?" more shaking. "Okay then, " said Wilt, fairly angrily now, "what ARE we allowed to play?"

Cut to the three of them, sitting around a table with a tea set, dressed in..well...dresses. None of them looking happy. "This stinks!" cried Bloo, throwing down his hat. "Tea party is the only game he lets us play? That Eduardo has gone too far!"
"Well, maybe we should go talk to him." suggested Mac.
"Oh, I'll give him a piece of my mind!"
Unconscious like a fox!
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