Thread: Facial Ticket
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Old 08-02-2007, 12:17 AM   #9
Foster's Legend
Ub3rD4n's Avatar
40% pretention, 60% insecurity, 0% brains  
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: The only place more isolated than Iceland. New Zealand
Posts: 547

Okay, so I know it's been a week since I started this thing, but things keep coming up, as things tend to do. This is actually the third time I've sat down and tried to get this new chapter up. Seriously. So, anyhow, thanks for the supportive comments. I even got the Pitbull Lady seal of approval (which I never thought I would, it's really hard to get). As for Jordan's team, I forgot whether or not it was even mentioned in Good Wilt Hunting, and couldn't be bothered checking so I made one up (a combination of Lakers and Bulls, if you didn't pick up on the not-so-clever wordplay) on the principal that players transfer to different teams all the time. The Ballhogs were the result of me wracking my brain for a fictional basketball team and that one was the funniest. So, enough waiting, on with the show:

Chapter 2: Under Pressure

The doors to Fosters slammed open.
"Bloo! Bloo!?" came the call of a familiar voice. Mac came walking through the doors to Fosters, looking for his friends. He didn't have to look far before he found a massive argument taking place, that seemed to be centred around Wilt. Mac tried repeatedly to get anyone's attention, and eventually was forced to scream "Will you all tell me what is going on!" which was met with some stunned silence as everyone took in the fact that Mac was in the room.
"Oh, sorry, Mac. I didn't see you what with all the..." Wilt trailed off.
"So what are you all so worked up about?"
"Well, you see, I won two tickets to the game tonight, and the guys and I were just discussing who gets to go."
"Meaning everyone yells at you and you can't make a coherent decision."
"Uh, yeah, pretty much."
Mac turned to face his other friends. "Well, I'm ashamed of all of you. Wilt just wanted to take one of his friends to a basketball game and you did nothing but hassle him. I expected better of all of you. Especially Frankie."
Frankie, Eduardo, Coco and Bloo all looked ashamed. Mac grabbed Wilt's arm and began leading him away. "Now, I'm gonna take Wilt away and keep him safe from you guys until he's made his decision." Mac finished scornfully.

"Could you beleive those guys?"
"Well, they're all just a little over excited, Mac. There's no need to be so harsh on them."
"No way, Wilt. They tried to take advantage of your good nature and it just makes me sick when people do that. You're such a nice guy, being mean to you is like....I dunno, kicking a puppy or something."
"Wow. Thanks Mac."
"I just get tired of everyone taking advantage of you all the time."
"Well, you don't take advantage of me."
"Exactly! That's why you should take ME with you! Those other guys don't deserve it! They're always "Wilt, get me a sandwich" or "Wilt, plug in me night light" or "Coco, cocococococo.", but I never asked you for anything before now!"
"Uh, I'm sorry Mac, but I dunno.."
"Come on, Wilt! I wanna go to one basketball game where I don't end up in the emergency room!"
"I'm sorry, Mac. We didn't know you were allergic to cajun spices."
"Well, neither did I. I'm just glad the swelling went down before we had to fly home, or mom would have asked questions."
"And you wouldn't have been able to breathe."
"Well, you can make up for that now, Wilt! Invite me to the game!"
"I'm sorry, Mac! I'm still deciding! I guess I'd better go."
"That's okay, Wilt. I trust you'll make the right decision."

Wilt walked into his room, looking thoughtful, and sat down on Bloo's bed (having none of his own).
"Hola, Senor Wilt!" came a call from the bunk above. "I was just thinking," said Eduardo, as he leaned his head down to be able to see Wilt "I is okay with you not taking me to the game. I is...big boy...and can!" Eduardo broke down crying.
"Whoa, easy Ed! Sh-sh-sh, it'll be okay!"
"You no like Eduardo! I thought we was friends! Waah!"
"Calm down, Ed! If it means that much to you, I can-"
"Don't mind me! Just in here to do the cleaning!" called Frankie loudly, as she walked in, and began pulling the sheets off the beds.
"Frankie!" exclaimed Wilt, surprised to see her.
"I'm just here to change the sheets, like I ALWAYS do! Nothing out of the ordinary, just working my fingers to the bone, like every day!"
"I'll, uh, leave you to it then." Wilt said, taking the opportunity to leave.
"This close." said Eduardo to Frankie, holding his fingers up.
"Awww, too bad."

Wilt walked along the corridors of Fosters, more confused than ever, when he walked into Bloo.
"Wilt, you and I both know that I'll be the most fun person to take to that game."
"Bloo, I'm still deciding! Go away, please!"
"Come on!"
"Come oon!"
"Come oooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn !"
"Fine, you leave me no choice. Wilt, if you don't take me to this game, you won't be my friend anymore."
"I know you, Bloo. And you're not enough of a jerk to just finish our friendship over something as pointless as this. So that was an idle threat." Wilt replied, walking off.
"Wait! No! I AM a jerk! I WOULD do that! Come back! I'm not a nice guy!"

Wilt was feeling rather good after that last encounter, but it didn't last. He saw Coco blocking his way ahead, leaning against the wall.
"Coco co." said Coco, fluttering her eyelashes at him.
Coco sidled up against Wilt and said softly "Coco"
Wilt panicked at this and blurted "Sorry, Coco, but you're my friend! Sorry, bye!" and ran off again. Bloo came walking along and asked matter-of-factly "No luck either?"
Unconscious like a fox!
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