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Old 11-26-2008, 05:00 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
The word also has a more negative meaning, as in "cleansed". It might be that the world we'll see tommorrow has been cleansed of humans by IF's, which is why the gang needs to rescue Frankie; humans aren't tolerated there. Not likely but an interesting possibility.
That would be interesting indeed. There's a long-running fan comic on DA(now in hiatus due to the artist/writer planning her wedding AND attending graduate school-SO glad that's not ME)which takes place 15 years into the future, in which humans had began to feel threatened by Imaginary Friends seeking basic civil rights, so a sinister government agency had been formed, the Bureau of Imaginary Control, to keep them in check, by eventually destroying all of them, and making it illegal for anyone to harbor or create an IF. It would be interesting indeed if, in "DI", the opposite is true, and the Imaginaries have completely overthrown the humans and exist without them.
Still, I'm wagering the word here, "scour", does mean to search diligently, as in the scour the countryside in search of something, rather than to "cleanse". In any case, I can hardly wait to watch it. That is the one bright spot I've got to look forward to in what has turned out to be a major let-down of a month in general, and I'm counting on Craig & Co. not to let me down. Sorry if that's a tall order, guys, but after too long a time without Foster's, not even re-runs, I am hoping for something amazing.

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