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Old 10-03-2008, 06:31 AM   #1648
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Originally Posted by taranchula View Post
Ah another classic example of people who clearly fear what they do not wish to understand.

I'm sorry but this whole "it's animated, so it's just for kids" mentality should be tossed out like the proverbial expired milk in the fridge.
Wow, six Canadian provinces separate myself and my fellow NF-er and yet you still manage to it the nail on the head. I feel like this sums it up pretty well.

A lack of undertsanding is why I just gave up telling my parents about my free time. When I'm asked what I'm doing in my room, I usually reply with, "Nothing," occassionally, "Not much." What I'm really doing: Most likely writing fanfiction the old-school way, by hand.

Unfortunately, these responses rarely work-- my dad's classic retort is, "Nothing at all?" In these situations, I generally fake my way to answer that satisfies the parentals' curiosity-- the most specific response I've dished out is, "Writing." No clue as to the content, because my parents frown quite deeply on my fanfiction tendancies-- quite a problem when that's the only thing you write well.

I really wish that my parents would take the time to watch Foster's and Transformers: Animated with me-- even if it's just once for each show. I think that they could enjoy it. I mean, without turning this post into a list of "101 Reasons Why WAKG17's Parents Should Watch Foster's with Special Add-On of 50 Reasons Why They Should Watch Transformers: Animated, Too," Foster's has enough humor and pop culture references to amuse any adult-- even dense, 18 year old me can catch some of them! The same is some what true of Animated-- my parents are both old enough to get the older Transformers series (generally referred to as Generation 1 or G1 by fans), and Animated has paid homage to the orignal series before. And even though the humor is more geared toward, I shudder to quote my dad on this as this would imply him being right on the issue, 8 year olds, it gets you to laugh-- laughter knows no age limits.

But sometimes we want what we can't get. But thanks for the added voice on the animation is not just for kids argument, T-- I appreciate knowing I'm not totally alone on this one.

Anyone can cook, but only the fearless can be great. ~ Ratatouille
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