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Old 10-04-2006, 03:31 PM   #9
Settling In
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I definitely have a tremendous amount of agreeing to do with kzinstzerg upon the fact that even though there's a chance Mac's skull size will be fixed as he grows older, there's still a colossal amount of confusion on to how his head functions, mainly with his mouth.

This was the scene that really first made me notice it:

It took me a while to realize that his mouth is actually curling above his eyeballs. Yikes!

But like I said before, at least we don't have to worry with the little guy being forced to life with an oversized noggin for the rest of his life - I think I may have very well have discovered the undeniable proof we need to show that Mac's going to be just fine when he grows older (concerning head proportion, that is)

For this, I think I'll have to take up Sparky's rare exception for posting screenshots if it's vital to the discussion (eek, sorry! I promise I'll be better in the future, only links!)

See? Frankie as a baby had an atrociously horrendous body-to-head ratio, but she grew up to turn out just fine! (Well......her neck is still a bit long- but I don't mind, because that's the only way Mac's head can fit under there when they snuggle in my stories - as adopted little brother and sister, ack mind you, no F/M romance, yuck!)

So I think if Frankie can turn out all right, then I think there may very well be hope for all of them....that is......

Poor Goo.... not only does she too suffer from the afflication of an oversized head, but her torso is nearly non-existant.
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