Thread: Wilt
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Old 10-01-2006, 06:31 PM   #295
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Originally Posted by Vampyre View Post
Speaking of Foster's episodes, I've noticed that other than some recent episodes (such as room witha feud and other's that I haven't seen yet because they haven't been aired in the uk) Wilt hasn't been used that much as a character. Sure he is used and he did have an episode focused on him but that one only lasted eleven minutes (maybe even less). Meanwhile Eduardo has starred in three episodes that last for 30 minutes and Coco tenchinaclly did as well in "My So called Wife". Why is it that they have been used more and also, I think that one of the reasons the producers are making GWH one hour long is because they noticed that they never really used Wilt that much. I'm glad they are actually because Wilt IS a great character and he deserves to be the star for more than eleven minutes/maybe even less. Of course I could be wrong and I just haven't been looking hard enough for his appearences. What do you all think?
Wilt has had some big roles in some of the latest episodes to air here in the US, especially "Room With a Feud", in which he shows his extremely competitive, "in-the-zone" side, and "Infernal Slumber", which showcased his "father-knows-best" side, and "Bus the Two of Us", which showed his borderline "Psycho" side when he's under a great deal of stress! I don't think that Wilt is really being underused. As much as I love the Tall Red One, I'd hate to see him OVERused, to the point that viewers who aren't major Wilt fans and fan-girls will get sick of him, like the producers of "Happy Days" wound up doing with Arthur Fonzarelli. The team of creative folks who write, produce, and animate Foster's seem to be well-aware of Wilt's immense popularity, especially among female fans, and DO include things specifically to please us, but they are careful not to oversaturate the screen the Wilt or turn Foster's into "The Wilt Show", since there are obviously people who are luke-warm about him at best(I am not one of those people), and those viewers would be lost if the allowed Wilt to "take over". Considering how many other key characters there are on this show, which is so character-driven, you've got to allow them all some time to shine.

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