Thread: Duchess
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Old 08-01-2008, 02:27 PM   #48
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Duchess was the one not-Frankie subject I asked Craig about last Sunday. He told me that they never created her creator but he was an artistic prodigy of a sort, creating pettigreed, artistic Imaginary Friends much as Picasso or Van Gogh would create paintings, and the IF's he created were for sale to those who could afford them, much as we might purchase high-end paintings and sculptures. Duchess ended up at Foster's because of her attitude; no one was willing to put up with her, including (I assume) her creator and his parents. I didn't ask about her age but if she was created to look the way she looks now, she could possibly be much younger than we've thought. Another point to ponder is that she's a sentient being but is also for sale, which has some serious implications. Thoughts, anyone?

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