Thread: Mother of Mac
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Old 07-14-2008, 10:34 AM   #92
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It goes along the same lines as why is it ok to eat dogs in some countries, and not in others. Some may say that dogs are obviously more intelligent and/or obviously emotional than other animals and that makes them eligible for higher regard. We think it's awful to eat horses, but they do it in Europe. Indians are appalled that we kill cows here in the States, but we don't regard them highly at all.

Even closer along the lines in the show, is humankind's history of giving one type of person more or less rights than others. It still happens all over the world. Even here. Is it right or wrong? Who's to say, but it happens, and that's the way it is for IF's in Foster's. They're at the mercy of whoever cares for them and how they regard their worth.

I always wanted to make a show about the Friends having to hang around outside while Mac was in a store or restaurant where IF's were not allowed inside--- we could never make a whole story out of that, though.
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