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Old 07-03-2008, 05:18 PM   #29
The Postmaster

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Join Date: Jul 2005
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I got together with my friend Grant this afternoon. We usually do so about once a month, schedules permitting, sometimes for lunch, sometimes just to say hi and catch up on each other's lives. Today was the latter; just as well, considering the size of the sandwich I wolfed down around noon . Anyway, we chatted for awhile, then it came time to head back to our respective jobs. He's heading for his car, I'm about to wander off to poke around in the local stores, and he calls out, "Hold it, I almost forgot something." I went to his car and he hands me a bag. "I picked this up months ago," he said. "It's out of date but I think you'll like it." I liked it very much, as it was something I'd been meaning to buy off of eBay but never got around to, and I thanked him very much. And that, my friends, is the story of how I finally came to own a copy of the Foster's 2008 calendar.

Thanks again, Grant.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

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