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Old 06-26-2008, 12:09 AM   #1560
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The tail end of It's a Wonderful Life (Yes, my family watches Christmas movies when it's not Christmas )

No matter how many times I see this film, it never gets old. This is Jimmy Stewart at his finest-- I will tolerate no debate on that fact-- and the story is simply phenomenal. The rest of the cast-- Donna Reed as Mary Bailey and Lionel Barrymore as Old Man Potter, to mention the big names-- were wonderful in their roles, and overall, the film was lead to complete and utter legend status by its wonderful director, Frank Capra.

The ending is what gets me. The film's message, No man is a failure who has friends, is so profoundly, yet simply, stated-- in the form of a note to Stewart's character, George Bailey-- I can't help but feel a little touched every single time, even though I know it's coming and can quote some scenes verbatim.

Seeing this movie was even more enjoyable this time around because it was after I saw the Jimmy Stewart Museum in his hometown of Indiana, Pennsylvannia-- a great deal of the museum was devoted to this film, giving me a new appreciation of this classic piece of cinema.

Overall: Did I expect anything other than an enjoyable film experience? Of course not!

And even though it took me bloody forever to reply to this:

Originally Posted by frankie_fan View Post
Could you understand some of the Aussie language?

Actually, I didn't. I thought it was like listening to British slang, which I'm pretty well up on. The only thing I didn't get was a reference to a type of biscuit in a deleted scene, which, as I understand it, was deleted BECAUSE non-Australian audiences wouldn't catch the reference.

Anyone can cook, but only the fearless can be great. ~ Ratatouille

Last edited by WiltsAKGirl17; 06-26-2008 at 12:18 AM. Reason: Typo. Sometimes I think type with my feet...
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