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Old 06-03-2008, 04:33 AM   #798
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Combination of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Seven Days at a very ungodly hour waiting for some camera software to install.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
The episode in question was from season seven, entitled, "Extreme Measures." In the episode, station Chief Medical Officer Julian Bashir [Alexander Siddig] and Chief Engineer Miles O'Brien [Colm Meany] try to find a cure for the debilitating disease that has struck the station's Chief of Security Odo [Rene Auberjonois].

I was disappointed in this episode. I've never been fond of Deep Space Nine's [DS9] final season, mostly because they replaced Terry Ferrel with Nicole DeBoer. I much prefer Ferrel to DeBoer, both for the characters they played and aesthetics.

Also, my favorite "minor" character, spy-turned-tailor Elim Garak [Andrew J. Robinson] didn't have much of a role in this one-- during the show's final season, the station is caught up in a very serious war, and Garak, an alien from a formerly-enemy race (something that is changing-- slowly, but nonetheless), is playing a larger and larger role in the series, serving as a translator (as addressed earlier in season seven in the episode "Afterimage") and playing a key role in the series' finale, "What You Leave Behind." In this episode, all you saw of him was about ninety seconds or so during the opening scene and he said one or two things and he fell off the face of the TV-viewing world. In fact, this episode was very heavily-based on Bashir and O'Brien, which, which simply didn't suit me. In all, I'd give the episode a C+.

Seven Days
This was much better the DS9 episode I'd just finsihed. The premise is that the government has an agency that can send people back in time to restore the "timeline," but they have to go back in time seven days in order to do so. In this episode, the team was trying to prevent the assasination of the Columbian president.

The whole premise of the show was very interesting, but a little too action packed for my highly sleep deprived brain. (Seriously-- I have to go to work at 9 AM. Why am I still awake?)

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