Thread: Scripts needed
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Old 09-28-2006, 06:22 PM   #5
Agent: Deep Bloo

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You guys have your red headed cartoon crushes and I have mine!  
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This is a scene from a fan script that I have been working on, The premise behind my story is that Goo has come down with a nasty case of Laryngitis, right before Adopt-A-Thought Saturday, which if this happened to a normal person that would mean staying home in bed, but Goo is of course far from normal and in her warped little mind she believes that she can still run everything the way she wants to, even though she cannot speak, a lot of the humor of this premise is devised from all of the alternative ways Goo uses to communicate with the other characters, like for example in this scene in which Goo tries to ask Wilt, Eduardo, Coco and later Bloo for a notebook, via a game of charades. (She want's the notebook in order to write down all her dialogue/request's via a series of hand written memos.)


Coco Eduardo and Wilt are standing aorund minding their own business, when almost instantaneously, Goo appears seemingly out of nowhere and non verbally greets the trio.

Hola Goo

Hey Goo

Coco coco (Hello Goo)

Goo tries to communicate with the three via a series of complicated hand gestures that shows she wants some kind of item. But no one seems to understand what she is trying to say.

Sorry Goo, I don?t seem to follow. You obviously want something but you?re just not going to tell us what it is. Is that it?

Wait, maybe she?s doing it this way, so she can get in a quick game of charades before we go to work.

Goo nods her head in agreement

Sure, that sounds like fun.

Goo begins her charade. She does the sign of an open book to signify what she is gesturing.

It?s a person.

It?s a movie.

Bloo happens across the scene and sees what is going and he offers his own opinion on the matter.

No you guys are way off, she?s obviously talking about someone finally buying me a race car bed.

Everyone one stares at Bloo.

Bloo you?ve got it all wrong, we are trying to guess what Goo wants. Not what you want.

What?, She wants a race car bed too, well good luck, I?ve been trying for months to get one and they are hard to find around here.

Cooc coco cooc coco coco co cococo coco coco co coco. (You Guys are crazy she is talking about a book.)

Goo nod?s her head in agreement, she then does the two fingered gesture for two words, and the gesture for ?first word?, followed by the gesture for ?sounds like? she starts gesturing that she is stroking an invisible beard.

You want a book about beards?

Goo does the ?sound like? gesture again.

Oh, sounds like beard, anyone know a word that sounds like beard?

There?s weird, well that really narrows things down, a lot books are weird.

Goo shakes her head no, and once again does the ?sounds like? gesture, she then gets down on all fours does the beard stroking gesture again and then starts to head butt Eduardo.

Hey what are you doing?, ack senorita Goo has gone loco.

Geez, she wants a book about something that walks on all fours, has a beard and head-butts people, if that?s not weird, I don?t know what is.

Something that walks on all fours, has a beard and head-butts. Wait, that sounds like a goat, you want a book about goats don?t you?

Goo does the ?sounds like? gesture once more.

Oh you want a book about something that sounds like goat.

Maybe she wants a book about boats. That has to be it, there is no other possible explanation so therefore I win.

Bloo runs off, while not seeing Goo shaking her head no.

Arg, what else rhymes with boat?

Coco, coco, coco, coco. (Tote, oat, emote, note)

Goo shakes her head yes at the last the thing Coco says.

That?s it, you want a notebook.

Goo jumps up and down, they?ve finally gotten it right. Wilt reaches over and grabs one for her, she then takes out a pencil that was in her pocket and furiously starts writing something down on the paper and with the blink of an eye she is out the front door. Soon after Wilt and Coco take after her, Eduardo doesn?t notice that everyone is gone.
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