Thread: Super powers
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Old 09-28-2006, 01:57 PM   #24
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Your power is: Super Speed

Explanation: Your power has made you move faster than any living thing and it gives great advantage in stressful times. The power could however make you want everything to happen at once and you tend to get bored with people easily that way. In good purposes the power could save those who are e.g. falling of a building. In negative purposes however they can do almost anything (steal, kill etc) without being seen.
As a person you show the world a cocky side of yourself. You act as if you're the greatest thing God has made and like making rude and sarcastic comment to peers. However you can also be fun to be with and bring an easy atmosphere as well as a tense one. You are tough and don't give up easy and is somewhat self centered. That does not mean you don't care for others. You want to be recognized as a smart/strong/talented person that you strive to be. You have insecurity inside that you don't want to show, but you are independant and want to do things on your own.
Negative aspects: People could get easily annoyed at you if you show your cocky sides more than your good side. You also have a I-don't-care attitude that could push people away.


I'd be offended, but I'm too busy being amused at "e.g. falling off a building". Hehe..... heh.

Anyways, on the subject of whether I'd use my powers for good or evil, I would use my powers to liquidate Tom Cruise. So.... yeah, I'd be using them for good. OH SNAP!

.....But if I just have super speed, I guess I'd just have to like..... drag him along the ground until the friction burns off his limbs. Or something.
"(NOTE: these companies are from the country that makes the best video games: JAPAN!)"
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