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Old 05-24-2008, 10:00 AM   #1496
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I've just returned from theatre. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is a pretty good film.

Well, I liked the action and that the storyline is quite interesting. I mean, usually films have scenes only for show, which are usually boring (i.e. Star Wars I). Here I found only one scene a bit boring - in the jungle, when Mutt fought with that soviet lady.
However, to be honest, I didn't like the story after they had gotten to the temple. Ok, aliens, I understand, but a giant space saucer burried under the jungle - that was weak. The same with surviving Abomb in a fridge.
I really like the way the soviets were portrayed in the movie (it takes place in '55-'57, doesn't it?). Just as I expected they would be in that part of the Cold War. Eh, I would so like to live in the '50ties...
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