Thread: Uncle Pockets
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Old 05-15-2008, 01:14 AM   #4
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Didn't he also appear in one of the Foster's shorts? At least, that's what I've heard. I couldn't tell you which one, just that, if so, it was clearly one of the ones I missed.

The only thing I found to be ever-so-slightly sinister about Uncle Pockets would be that he bears more than a passing resemblence to Willy Wonka, who always creeped me out something nasty as a kid. That's about as far as the connection seems to go though. I'm contented to believe that he's as kind and as wonderful an imaginary friend as his reputation suggests, even if the discovering of otherwise would have potential for interesting plot development in future episodes. As for the whole talking in rhyme thing, well, I think he made a better job of it than I seem to remember Wordsworth from Heathcliff and the Catillac Cats doing. That guy's rhymes always seemed to be a bit more strained.

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.

Last edited by jekylljuice; 05-15-2008 at 09:02 AM. Reason: It was catillac, not cadillac, I believe. Oy, puns.
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