Thread: Foster's Dreams
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Old 05-11-2008, 09:14 AM   #382
Newly Abandoned
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Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 37

Well, about a week ago I had a pretty weird dream, not really about the Fosters, but somehow related.

Ok. It was a dense European forest, and I was leading 3 knights through it. Out of a sudden, I head a loud scream. One of the knights informed me it was Richard, king of the Britain, with his army, following us. We stared to walk faster, but, again out of nowhere, appeared Mr. Hareman and yelled at us. As a result of this, the knights ran away, and I continued to walk alone. After some time, I reached a pond, where I met 2 warriors, who also informed me about Richards army. I started to run and, after a while, reached a hill. I ran down from it. And that's when I woke up.

Seriously, I think I have some serious problem with my mind.
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