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Old 03-06-2008, 12:31 PM   #5
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Beelzebufo actually has a very close relative living today-practically one and the same except for size-the so-called "Pacman" Frog. These are also known as Horned Frogs, and are readily available through the pet trade, especially at exotic animal shows. You can even get them in selectively-bred "designer" colors, like albinos and leucistics. They are absolutely guaranteed to bite the snot out of you at every chance they get and hang on like bad credit. That's how they got the cutesy nickname, "Pacman" Frog; they will literally try to eat anything that moves that can possibly be made to fit into their huge mouths. The illustration in the article even LOOKS just like a Pacman Frog, just bigger, so in a way, you CAN have a Beelzebufo of your very own!

Now, I'd love to have a giant prehistoric tarantula the size of a Spaniel, but now, they're saying that Megarachne was really not a spider at all, but a land crab, similar to the Coconut Crab...good eating, maybe, with some drawn butter and garlic sauce, but I don't think I'd want to keep one.

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