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Old 02-03-2008, 12:04 PM   #136
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Wait a minute...I could have sworn that this was a "Frankie Foster Discussion Thread", so when did it mutate into a Terrence-Bashing thread? There IS a Terrence discussion thread, you know, but there are NO threads on the board devoted to bashing characters.

I will say this much though-as a veteran teacher, who has taught in the public school system now for more than two decades, and who has taught every grade level from four-year-old kindergarten through high school seniors, I have seen more than my share of "Terrences" come through the system. Most are simply troubled kids who have no guidance at home, and most DO manage to turn themselves around and grow a brain, often after finding someone to help them along the way. I can recall one student in particular who not only ACTED like Terrence; he even LOOKED like him, and if ever there was a kid that the world would label a "loser", it was him. Now, after being adopted by an uncle when he was in his mid-teens, a guy who turned his life around, he owns one of the largest automobile dealership franchises in the state. I've also seen a LOT of "Macs"-sweet, kind, smart, considerate kids that you'd think would have it made-turn into total little jerks and utter morons when they hit puberty, and wind up either killing themselves with drugs or getting shot to death before they reach the age of 18. It can go either way, folks.

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