Thread: Sailor Moon
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Old 10-15-2007, 06:49 AM   #4
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Rei probably did have the sexiest outfit of the original five Scouts, but I'm still not sure how one manages to fight evil while wearing high heels. Gotta be a little awkward.

I never knew what to make of Rini until recently; at the time, from the few episodes I saw from the second season, she just seemed like an awful little brat and not much more, although it was pretty obvious that she was related to Sailor Moon in some way. Although I didn't see most of her episodes I have read about the season, courtesy of a copy of The Sailor Moon Role-Playing Game that I picked up on eBay awhile back (yeah, I'm a bigger dork than y'all thought ), and she struck me as more sympathetic than I'd originally thought. It just takes some time for that sympathy to grow.

The romance element drew me in, too. Sitting there wondering "How long is it going to take these two to find each other?" was part of the fun. It still astonishes me that Lita never found anyone, though. She reminds me a lot of Frankie, sometimes, and, well, I think we all know how I feel about her by now.

Another thing about the show that amused me, in a sad sort of way, was how the censors decided not to show certain episodes due to content concerns. I'm thinking specifically about Episode #2 here. Granted, the scene where Umino flips up Ms. Sakurada's skirt was a tad risque but I really can't see that as being a traumatic event for the target audience; at the most, there would have been some giggling on the playground the next day, nothing more. Pathetic that the censors seem to have less maturity than a bunch of 13-year olds.

A quick note about spoilers; don't worry about them. The show is complex enough that anything I read here isn't too likely to spoil the later seasons for me, or for anybody else who hasn't seen them. Don't go overboard, mind you, but don't spend any energy worrying about it, either. After all, there's no point in talking about the show if we can't talk about it.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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