Thread: Art theft?
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Old 10-01-2007, 09:53 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Bloo2daMacs View Post
This reminds me of some one who said they liked a piece of art I made on DA, and then, without my knowledge he took my image and edited it slightly. Called it his "fancharacter". Technically it wasn't art theft since he edited it, and credited me where the art actually was, but he still didn't inform me first. Actually, I was kinda humbled by the fact that he liked it that much. That's an optomistic way to think of art theft, they steal your art behind your back because they think it's so good.
Er... That was me. I've put a more detailed explanation (in the journal) on the link you so kindly provided here All I can say apart from SORRY is that I'm relatively new to this internet stuff and am not always 100% clued up on the correct social protocols involved. Honestly I'd barely used the internet before 2 years ago.

I'd kind of happily forgotten all about till I spotted you'd mentioned it twice on this forum so I thought I'd erase the whole account which appears to be impossible, either that or I'm missing something obvious. Again.

Oh crumbs. Seems i remain unforgiven. Oh well, moves on. I'll be surprised if it's the main reason i end up in hell. Really thought it was a nice thing to do at the time. How embarrassing....sorry


Last edited by koosie; 10-19-2007 at 04:35 PM. Reason: not sure
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