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Old 08-24-2007, 07:31 PM   #10
The Postmaster

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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
What annoys me the most out of relaunched movies is that they "erase/ignore" everything in the past films and start ALL over again. I frankly can't stand that, it's like ignoring years of hard work and story effort just to blink it away and say it never happened. I don't think it's necessary always.

Godzilla did that a lot of times with his movies and it can be really annoying sometimes.
Yeah, that I really don't like that at all. If you're going to do a movie based on a TV show or movie series with history, by the stars don't ignore that history or change the premise. It's part of what makes the original special, part of why it's considered good enough for a big-screen remake to begin with. And they shouldn't play around with character design too much, either. Updating the designs is one thing, but it often goes too far; the characters can become almost unrecognizable, one of the reasons the 1980's Masters Of The Universe movie was so horrid. He-Man simply did not look like He-Man, in my opinion. What if this was done with a hypothetical Foster's movie? Half of the Forum members would be screaming if Mr. Herriman was decked out in a Vegas-style leisure suit instead of his familiar garb or the "1" on Wilt's chest was redesigned. Stars alone know what they'd have Frankie wearing but knowing Hollywood I'd hate it and be screaming for blood. The point is, if you're going to do a remake, build on the old characters and stories, don't ignore them. The fans surely won't.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

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