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Old 08-24-2007, 07:02 PM   #9
Mr. Marshmallow
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Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
Did I see a mention of a possible Sailor Moon movie?
As Monk says this is "old stuff", the choice of words in dug up is pretty accurate. A long ass time ago Disney was planning a live Sailor Moon, the hype around the DIC version of the show during weekday morning cartoons made it pretty big.

I never heard of any progress as far as who the girls would be casted as or how they were going to do Luna or any of the special effects. The only thing I know for sure I heard MANY times was that Geena Davis was contacted to play Queen Beryl. Davis also mentioned she was actually excited to play Queen Beryl.

But like most movies, it died in development hell and just never went anywhere. A rumor floated around about Buffy creator, Joss Whedon coming on as either a writer or director for the Moon movie. As Monk probably well knows about me, I personally don't see much of a problem with this "trend" simply because as much as you hate to hear about it, no one is forcing anyone to go see these movie remakes.

Granted it may be a little insulting to see the toons you love be changed in such a way, but ultimately, it's your choice to go to the theaters and pay the money or not. I don't see these TV remake movies any different then any other movie fad that has come and pass, there are good ones and bad ones.

Spider man brought forth an ass load of comic book movies, Batman Begins brought forth re-launching failed series, and it looks like Transformers may do the same since Voltron, Speed Racer, Get Smart, and (now officially) G.I. Joe is on the way. I just read the director for Joe is "Mummy Returns" "Deep Rising" director Stephen Sommers.

Remakes are just like any other movie genre like if you go see a horror or a comedy movie, there are crap ones and good ones. Some movies DO need to be remade, others don't but prove that they can still kick ass. Charlie and the chocolate factory was a fantastic remake, despite the fact I still love the old one.

The remake was done in such a fresh new way that it was really hard for me not to enjoy this movie. Batman Begins and Casino Royale proved that series can still be useful long after their expiration date and create quality films. But a movie remake is just like any other type of movie like a comic book or novel adapted to film: sadly not everyone is going to do a good job of it.

I'm a firm believer in seeing it before I whine about it, too many people piss and moan about things without giving it a chance. I can see that they wouldn't want to spend the money if they think it will suck, no one is forcing people to go to the theaters to see something they don't want to see.

Me personally though, I won't knock it until I try it, and that's just my view. Even if I see a movie and it turns out being crap, I'm still glad I took the time to see it and judge it truthfully and honestly. By the way, as much as I loved Batman Begins and Casino Royale, don't think I 100% support relaunching.

What annoys me the most out of relaunched movies is that they "erase/ignore" everything in the past films and start ALL over again. I frankly can't stand that, it's like ignoring years of hard work and story effort just to blink it away and say it never happened. I don't think it's necessary always.

Godzilla did that a lot of times with his movies and it can be really annoying sometimes.

Last edited by Mr. Marshmallow; 08-24-2007 at 07:03 PM.
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