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Old 08-14-2007, 04:23 PM   #4
Holy Toledo!
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I'm one of the few people who genuinely enjoyed Planet of the Apes. It may not have been nothing like the book, but neither was the original. I'm not going to say that it's the original's fault that it wasn't well-received, due to the fact that people couldn't get over nostalgia, because I know it's not true.

A true adaptation of the book would be great. There are no sentient humans other than the main character and the apes are as advanced if not moreso as Earth humans. It ends pretty much exactly like Burton's version though, although there's an epilogue I won't give away for those who may want to read the book themselves.

As for my take on this trend, while we do get some little gems here and there, I really wish Hollywood would return to original properties. Things like Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, Goonies, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, The Terminator, and a host of other great films wouldn't have ever been made if all the money of the 70s and 80s was being funneled towards big-screen adaptations of I Love Lucy and a remakes of Gone With The Wind and Citizen Kane. A few re's and ups are good every now and then but it shouldn't become a staple of the industry as it seems to be now.
From the thinnest thread
We are sewn together
From the finest string we dangle over time
From the highest wire
We walk through fire
Should our balance ever falter
Should our steps be unaligned
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