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Old 07-07-2007, 07:16 PM   #510
Lady of Brightwood
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I hate it when I'm out doing my power-walk and I pass a house where there's a dog who's not tied up, and it barks and barks at me and runs after me. I'm usually not afraid of being bitten, but it is so annoying and embarrassing when other neighbors see us. Especially when they think that it's MY dog, and ask "Why don't you have him on a leash?" Blah, blah, blah

I hate it when I'm driving on a two way street and there's a car in front of me going rrrrreeeeeeaaaaalllllll ssssslllllooooowwww and there's no way to pass them. It's worse of course when I'm in a hurry, but even when I'm not in a hurry I get sooo irritated. Come on people, the speed limit is 60 not 45!

I hate it when I watch and listen to my microwave popcorn very closely to be sure it doesn't burn, but it ends up burning anyway and filling my apartment with that awful burnt-popcorn smell, and it lingers for days. I feel like such a

I hate it when I'm parked on a slight incline and my arms are full of groceries, and I can't keep the door open long enough for me to place the bags in secure positions on the passenger seat and/or floor because gravity keeps wanting to close it, so I try to prop it open with my foot or knee, but sometimes I have to move and I lose hold of the door and it slams shut on my leg, and nearly chops it off because it's a heavy door, and I yelp, and other shoppers in the parking lot look at me like I'm an alien from outer space, and then I have this big bruise on my leg for the next two weeks, and am forever more terrified of my car doors.
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