Thread: Extremeasouraus
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Old 06-30-2007, 09:56 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Ub3rD4n View Post
There are actually several extremasauruses (extremasauri?) in Fosters alone. I don't think they're evil per se, but they are designed to destroy, and are often perpetually angry. They're still imaginary friends though, just ones made by jerks.
I wouldn't necessarily say that they're made by jerks, though the line between "jerk" and "teenager" is fairly hard to see. In a lot of ways, I'm tempted to say that, in the same way the majority of imaginary friends seemed to be created by their masters as compensation for something about themselves (such as how Bloo is reckless and immature as compared to Mac's maturity and calm-headed attitude, and Mr. Herriman's stickliness in comparison to Madam Foster's usual attitude, ect.), that the extremasauruses are basically outlets for the anger, agitation, and frustration that teens feel. Basically, they're outlets created by teens as a means to destroy things to release irritation and anger without personally being the ones to do so.

Of course, that's just me, and I may very well be wrong, since we've seen so little evidence about them to really be able to tell anything about their true natures other than the fact that they're always created by teens and that they're generally destructive in nature.
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