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Old 05-24-2007, 01:54 PM   #20
The Postmaster

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Looking forward to it!

If Frankie had gone to private school (and for all we know she did), do you think her uniform might have looked something like this?

Everytime I look at that photo I'm tempted to fire up the InSIMenator, roll back her age, and pack her off to college. I haven't, of course, as the House would fall apart without her. Still, it's something to think about. In any case, one good school uniform deserves another:

Oh, come on! You all knew I was going to dress her in a Sailor Moon outfit sooner or later!

I'll spend the rest of the year apologising to her for it, too.

This one I caught by accident:

I had tried this outfit on her while playing the House and saved the game without changing her back into her regular clothes. The next day I was playing a different lot and sent the residents there to the mall. Frankie happened to walk by, and I paused the game and got the shot. I like this outfit a lot. And, with all due respect to Craig, I think my version of Frankie has better legs.

As much as I like the last outfit, I like this one even better:

Dress #4 from the six choices in post #8, caught under the same circumstances as the previous outfit. Here's another look:

These two shots are among my favorites of all the Frankie pics I've taken. It's mid-Autumn in Foster's Valley, there's a light rain falling, and the colors and hues are all in perfect harmony. And look at her expression in the second shot; I live for expressions like that.

And finally, Frankie as you've never seen her before:

Fine chainmail armor, green suede leather boots, and a massive broadsword. Here's another look:

And, as she demonstrates in this video shows, she knows how to use that sword, too:

Bet that Dylan guy is running for his life right about now.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.

Last edited by Cassini90125; 05-26-2007 at 02:12 PM.
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