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Old 05-18-2007, 06:06 PM   #13
Mr. Marshmallow
Not-So-Hopeless Romantic
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In comparison to "Cheese a go-go", this definitely beats it out, while there still suffered a few minor flaws, this was a really enjoyable episode and an accurate one at that. This was a great way to get all of the characters in on the plot and of the episode, and made everyone involved with a different need for the 100.

I myself have been to swap meats before and just like at anime conventions, there really is an ass load of interesting and weird crap to buy. I can totally related with how everyone found something they liked there, even knowing half of this stuff is so amazing they know they'll never be able to afford it.

I loved the fact Eduardo actually asked Mac and Frankie, not being as dim as to do whatever Bloo said, not to mention the fact Mac and Frankie both went crazy which was a real riot . I especially loved the fact Mac referenced en episode with the "False movie" toy thing, I love it when shows do it, it's quite rare actually.

I liked the idea of having a "bad guy" around but thing with the arms confused me as I didn't know if he had really small arms and the "coat arms" were just for show so he could steal, or if he had a trained animal or imaginary friend inside helping him. That was just a really confusing part if you ask me.

I also felt weird considering Frankie's "item of choice". The thing looks and is named after a zamboni machine which just like the real machine, is big and large as hell. I like the fact they made Frankie actually acknolwedge how crappy her job has become with cleaning and want to make it easier.

But honestly, I think that thing would be a real pain in the ass to load onto the bus, get it home, and get it INSIDE Foster's, not to mention where she'd store the thing when she stopped using it. It's a minor thing but something that did make me wonder. I also felt Mac had good reason to want the toys.

Bloo screwed him out of everything and he had every right to get those toys, I especially liked how Mac is now standing up for himself and back talking Bloo like with the brain remark (the jar joke was great "No seriously, they REALLY have them in jars" "TEN BUCKS!" .

The Benny Hill chase was all right and I loved Mario and Luigi's cameo. I guess my only beef comes with the "defeat" of the swapper burglar. I felt it was too comical and just too "yuck-yuck" for the show. Bloo getting busted was something I was glad to see, it's nice to see him taking SOME responsibility.

The best part though has to be the ending. Mac and everyone buying that doll house for Ed meant the world to him, and it was a touching scene to make him feel better after all the running around they did with him. And of course, the hilarious (and surprising) freaking little fort Knox Ed has in his safe.

I was REALLY taken back by that, the gang's shocked faces were priceless. Pardon the pun. In anycase aside from a lame villain toppling, this was a great episode and really used the characters well emotionally and physically. Everyone got involved and I was really satisfied with this episode's turn out.
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