Thread: Wilt
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Old 05-13-2007, 11:21 AM   #996
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Originally Posted by Ub3rD4n View Post
A lot like the room in "Room with a feud". Ooh! Also, everyone would get along and consider everyone else's feelings! And no tall jokes!
Yeah, NO tall jokes!

He'd probably be back home in Charleston, with his real family, with Jordan still a little kid who depends on him and looks up to him literally and figuratively for everything. There'd be beach music or "Southern Soul" or gospel playing on some old AM transistor radio in the background, and mama serving up home-cooked shrimp-and-grits or fried croaker(that's a fish, not a frog), iced tea, fresh-sliced homegrown tomatoes and hot-from-the-oven pecan pie! There'd be a sea breeze coming in off the Atlantic to cool down the summer heat, little girls doing "Double Dutch" jump rope outside on Meeting Street, "pick up" basketball games on every corner, and after dinner the whole family would plan to stroll on down to the Battery to get some ice cream and sit and talk and high-five with the locals and watch all the tourists go by, and if it was the Fourth of July, they'd be all watching a spectacular fireworks display out in the harbor from Fort Sumter. Wilt would know that he was family, that he'd never be thrown out, not when Mrs. Michaels introduces him as "the baby" of the family to everyone they meet, 10 feet tall or not! He'd still have both arms and both eyes, and everyone would KNOW he was from "The Most Polite City" in the USA!

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