Thread: Coffee
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Old 04-26-2007, 11:27 AM   #20
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Well, i dunno who makes your teas, but good English tea soothes and calms me, a Green tea helps me feel better, and coffee (ALWAYS black, no pansy cream and sugar) is great when i need to stay awake. Green Tea is horrible to drink because it tastes like fermented mold. Earl Grey is good.

As for alcohol, it has a rich and elaborate history stretching back thousands and thousands of years. The Egyptians brewed a strong beer that was basically "bread in a glass" because it actually sustained you because of the calorie content. The average Roman drank upwards of 1 bottle of wine a day, i believe, and theirs was much stronger than our wines. I find red and white wines to be very good as far as taste, beer i think is more hit or miss (depends on the brand, Heinekan yes, Molson no). "Harder" alcohols are quite good, in moderation. Grand Marnier is good straight, but very expensive and rather sugary in taste. Vodka is your basic cheap booze, and it can be mixed with just about anything you want to make it taste better (cranberry juice), although it isn't too bad straight. Alcohol is non addictive so long as you posses the levelheadedness not to drink massive amounts of it, and it is a good social drink as well as an "unwinding" drink.
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?

Last edited by Partymember; 04-26-2007 at 11:29 AM.
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