Thread: Coffee
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Old 04-26-2007, 06:54 AM   #17
Executive Weasel Ball
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Oh man, I make no exaggeration when I say that coffee (and occasionally Lucozade) is my lifeblood. On an average day I can drink six to seven cups of coffee, and don't get me started on the continuous flow I have going whenever I have any instensive work periods on (I've just come out of one right now, and I'm still feeling the side-effects). It must be very bad for me somehow, but then I don't smoke or drink alcohol, so I hope that compensates. I can agree with you on that one Ditchy, since I'm one of about two tee-totalling students I've ever encountered in my lifetime.

Alcohol = the nector of the nitwit (sorry, PM )

I'm the only true-blue caffeine junkie amongst my social circle - most of my friends have converted to the cult of the tea leaf, and they think they're so superior for it. That said, I AM actually trying to cut down on my coffee intake and have a few herbal teas now and then, though nothing too elaborate. Twinnings do some palatable herbal teas, but most of the stuff my friends are into always leaves a nasty taste in my mouth.

The only thing I hate about coffee is that it goes cold very quickly. And then it's far from good.

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.
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