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Old 03-30-2007, 09:23 AM   #354
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Originally Posted by Government Man View Post
Now there are certainly aspects of Jackson's life I'm thankful for. He was a great military commander and won the Battle of New Orleans fair and square. He was against succession until his dying day. He founded the Democratic Party and pushed for universal (White male) suffrage at a time when most states only allowed the middle and upper classes to vote. I like how Jackson handled the Nullification Crisis. I can find nothing to fault with Jackson's family life. Oh, and he may have been the source of "okay", one of the most useful words in the English language.
can't argue with that. Yeah, he was a nasty guy, a good president, but a generally nasty dude.

which is why i love him

You do have a valid point(s) though, and certainly Andy J should've been held accountable numerous times throughout his career.
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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