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Old 02-10-2007, 06:42 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by antgirl1 View Post
I wonder how embarrassed Jordan must be at that last scene where Wilt was acting like one of them soccer dads, because Wilt's just SHOUTING at him, in front of not only his friends, but the basketball viewers as well. Kinda like that old "Dad, you're EMBARRASSING me". XDDD
It didn't seem that Wilt was shouting at Jordan, so much as he was shouting at the other players(especially those on the opposing team), and at the referee. I'm pretty sure that the incredulous outburst, "Did YOU SEE THAT!? DID YOU SEE THAT?!" was directed at the ref, since Wilt apparently thought the guy had missed a foul against Jordan's team and felt he needed to have his attention called to it. I bet the refs just LOOOOVE to see Wilt show up for games(NOT!), lol! The only thing directed at Jordan were words of encouragement, if you can consider "WHOOOOOOOOOOOO! WAY TO GO, JORDAAAN!" to actually totally constitute words. Kinda reminds me of some of the brilliant eloquence I've overheard at NASCAR races. Still, I guess that once Wilt gets in trouble at a game(and it's not a matter of IF, but a matter of WHEN, and HOW BAD, and how many cops it takes to break it up), it's gonna be pretty embarrassing for both him and Jordan. Jordan is probably able to tune out a lot of what goes on in the stands while he's playing, though it's got to be pretty hard to tune out someone who's ten feet tall, bright red, and actin' a fool over in the VIP section!

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