Thread: Mac
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Old 08-16-2006, 01:41 PM   #9
Foster's Legend
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 803

I also dislike small children for this reason, because few of them act well enough for me. However, if you listen, you can quickly tell whether or not the kid is capable of being nice. Most of the time a child who is irritating to people can become a well-behaved kid if you just talk to them like they were people. Their friends do, and the fact that adults don't usually makes them angry.

In the pilot, there's several parts where Mac gets angry because Terrence is being somehting that should be censored and so on. But once he got friends at fosters he had people that talked to him like he was normal. He didn't sound as whiny. Actually the devs prolly thought he sounded too little and asked the voice actor to change it a bit, but whatever.
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