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Old 01-11-2007, 03:54 PM   #21
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I really hope Craig and Lauren are paying attention to what Ditchy McAbandonpants and Mr. Marshmallow have said in this thread. They've done a wonderful job with making Frankie a very three-dimensional and diverse character who isn't tainted by the media's blind(and probably feminist-influenced) pampering of female characters.

If they're serious about making Goo the ninth regular cast member of Foster's, then they should give the same treatment to her. Her "perfect solution to a problem" persona would be fine if she was meant to appear only once or twice a season. But since they insisted on making her a near-regular in Season 4 while still keeping that flawless, 'deus ex machina'-esque personality--it's easy to see why so many people have become so annoyed with Goo(even though I love her).

And(swinging things back on-topic) I don't think it can be said enough just how horrible and traumatic "Imposter's" was. I REALLY hope the Foster's crew have taken the criticism and backlash to heart. Frankie and her fans deserve better.

Last edited by Voxxyn; 01-11-2007 at 03:55 PM.
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