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Old 01-11-2007, 05:20 AM   #17
Who speaks like Goo and sings like Eurotrish
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Okay, back on topic...

Seriously, I haven't got many problems with Imposter's. It was cruel to Frankie, but it had its moments. (*gets killed by Frankie fans, with Cassini at their head*) I find it hard to pick, mostly because I find myself saying "I didn't like this and that episode... oh wait, it had the moment when...". That's why I won't put Europe in this list, despite the cruel ending. Eurotrish is my ultimate favourite character.

Sheesh. Okay, let's get down to it.

5. Phone Home
Boring. Boringgg. Boooriiinggg. Saw it once, found it nice (especially the Wilt bits ), but then... Bloo struggling with that poor phone all along was tiring, and there was absolutely no chance of getting a surprise at the end, as we knew all along it wasn't an IF. The second time I caught it I decided I'd rather study History (I had serious problems with remembering all the dates, it's not that I hate that subject, History lovers!). Sight for Sore Eyes was slightly boring too, but not in my least fave 5.

4. Emancipation Complication
Saw it once, and that was enough for me. It's not that bad, just not interesting enough to watch it several times, like I do with my fave, Bus the Two of Us. And, excuse my European point of view, the whole Lincoln stuff etc. was waaay too "American", I don't really know how to put this. Bloo and the videogames was a nice touch, but didn't bring this episode up.

3. My So-Called Wife
The Coco part was a nice touch. That I don't really like this one has nothing to do with me not being a Coco-fan, as "Cuckoo for Coco Cards" was one of my faves. No, Ben E. Factor lying, the stupid contest part... just uninteresting. And Coco at the beginning goes a bit OOC just to seem "worse".

2. I Only Have Surprise for You
This episode had its moments, I liked the "action-Mac" and his speech, it was nice... but the ending hurt me so bad. Sweet little Mac, my favourite (he somehow managed to replace Wilt and Terrence!). I won't forgive Bloo.

1. Blooo
When I first saw it I was like "OMG! How nice, my fave ep...". They aired it the second time, and the magic was gone. Despite the funny horror-parody.

And now I see, I have forgotten to say "Dinner is Swerved", in which I found Charlie the chicken leg the most annoying character EVER (and it made me hungry like 30 minutes after lunch), "Hiccy Burp", in which the 10 minutes of hiccups and burps were boring and gross...

"Up in the sky, there's a star for everyone"
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